Sunday, December 31, 2006
My Favorite 2006 moments
Posted by Jennifer at 7:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Posted by Jennifer at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Will Store
Here is a funny of Jacob. Yesterday we were running errands and I told him I needed to go by the goodwill store. He kept saying " Mommy....when are we going to Will's house?" I told him we weren't going to Will's house. He said "you said we were going to Will's store house to play"! I guess he thought Will had a store of toys or something!!
Jack is running to Fayetteville today to his brother's house to work on the tires on his car. Jenna and I may run to some stores or even the "goodwill store".
Wednesday night someone came while we were sleeping and stole the car battery from our car. I can't believe something like that happened in our quiet neighborhood. We really should have kept the vehicles locked. It makes you feel so violated. It makes me very scared knowing that Jack leaves for California in two weeks. I worry if they stole something from the outside than they could come to the house next...and then if I am all alone....I don't sleep well as it is when Jack is gone but now I am a little more nervous.
Posted by Jennifer at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Daddy's little panther
Posted by Jennifer at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Today is just another stay home get caught up day! Jack hopes to run a return back to Home Depot and take Joshua for his free pizza. I plan on running to the bank and to goodwill. I am on this never ending project of getting stuff ready to sell for the consignment sale. We don't have near as much as the past few sales where we made $500, but that's because we didn't get to many fall yard sales. I still hope to make $100. Joshua's birthday is next month and I hope to use some money for that, as well as cushion our budget.
Jenna is doing better today. Her nose is still running and she coughs a little. Jacob sounds like he is barking. He doesn't take things as well as Jenna does. I guess that is a man thing as Joshua is truly the worst when he gets sick!!
I got a lot accomplished yesterday. I sat down and made my "goals" and also followed the pastor's "redeeming the time" sheet. It was very helpful. I hope to spend more time with Jack and my family in 2007. I also got my closet cleaned out which was a major accomplishment. If you could have only have seen my closet! Even with all the Christmas and consignment stuff taken out, it was still a mess. Happy Wednesday to all, and thank you for reading my "blog"! I know there is only about 2-3 people who read it, but hopefully it will grow!
Posted by Jennifer at 6:49 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Day after Christmas
Posted by Jennifer at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I don't have any pictures today. Maybe after tonight and tomorrow we will have some of our Christmas adventures. Last night we went to the "McLean" gathering. It was fun to see all the aunts, uncles and cousins that we don't get to see that often. Jenna liked seeing "Aunt" Angie, Hayley and Wyatt the best. Tonight we are opening presents with Jack's brothers and then we have to get everything ready for Santa in the morning. We will have Christmas morning here and then head over to mom's for Christmas there. Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 22, 2006
Fun at Preschool
Posted by Jennifer at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Princess and the boys!!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:23 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Princess
Posted by Jennifer at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Forever Cleaning
Posted by Jennifer at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 18, 2006
Fun at the Park
Posted by Jennifer at 9:40 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Lazy Sundays
I am so thankful for Sundays like today when we can just relax and take things slowly and also for the beautiful weather where we can go outside with the kids and play. This is just what we needed after such a busy Sunday last week. I can't believe next Sunday is Christmas Eve! It just doesn't seem possible.
Jacob had his first Sunday in big church and he did such a wonderful job. I was really proud of him!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006
We had a great time tonight. We went to our special friend's house from BHBC, Scott and Traci Cooley. They are such wonderful friends, and I do miss their family so much. Travis is 5, Joshua's age, and they get along so well together. Joshua really misses them. They are just such down to earth people and we truly miss them, but are grateful that our friendship can continue even though we don't see each other every Sunday. Traci fixed a fabulous dinner for us!! It was so nice not to have to cook!! The kids played for a little while and then we went down to this house that was all decorated for Christmas. The man turned part of his garage into Santa's workshop and from 7-9 every night he dresses like Santa Clause. Joshua got to sit on his lap and talk to him again. Jacob gave him a high five, which is big progress for him. Jenna wouldn't even wave to him, but maybe someday we will get over that hump. I wish I would have taken my camera, but maybe we can do it again next year.
I don't have much this week. Two days of preschool and I am off for a couple of weeks. I have a doctors appt on Wednesday, so I hope to see my friend Rudine while I am in Raleigh.
Posted by Jennifer at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 15, 2006
Today, we made some holiday goodies. Jacob and Jenna had sprinkles everywhere!!! I am so glad I didn't mop yet. I'll do that when they are in bed tonight as I think I'll do another batch so Joshua can help. I had to stop myself and realize it's ok to get things messy once and awhile, even though I have to clean it up! They won't stay little forever!!
Posted by Jennifer at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Well, I managed to make it to school today. I didn't feel the greatest this morning, but I feel ok now. My stomach, however, is still not the greatest. In fact, it makes these LOUD grumbling sounds. It hurts at times when it does it. I hope after all this pain and discomfort to at least lose 5 pounds! I was so embarrased today because I was waiting at the door at preschool for the mothers to pick up the kids and my stomach kept grumbling. One little boy looked at me and said "what was that noise?"!! I just said "what noise". I am truly embarassed. I don't know how I'll ever make it through the program tonight. Perhaps the kids will sing loud enough! I hope not may parents will want to talk to me tonight! I am just so ready for this bug to be out of here. I haven't had anything quite like it before. I just want to feel better and get through this holiday season without anyone else getting sick. That may be a big wish!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I started to feel bad last night. I was able to go to aerobics, but started feeling worse after that. I guess I picked up some 24 hour bug, although I still don't feel the greatest. I did get some shopping done today. Just a gift card and some stocking stuff and I am done. I came straight home from shopping and went straight to bed. I slept for about and hour and a half, and almost missed picking up Joshua. Of course napping is something I don't do!! I hope to get a bath in tonight and maybe I will feel really good. I just hope the kids don't get this too, or it will be a long week!!
Tomorrow is Jacob's program. I told Joshua today that he could go and see his old teachers. I told him that they really want to see him and he said "why...because I was the cutest?" I just had to laugh. Of course Joshua, you were the cutest! I hope I get some strength and energy back so that I can teach tomorrow. You won't be able to keep me from Jacob's program!!
Posted by Jennifer at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
We had a good day at preschool today. The kids were very excited today. We were able to get all our work done by 10:30, which is normal time for us. This is the first time that happened in a long time, but it made the day easier. After that, I can prepare the snack, and we have playground time and music class. We are busy working on our Christmas program. I need to take my camcorder and make money on America's Funniest Home Videos as you can just image what it is like to get 30 3 year olds to focus!!
At least that took my mind off things for a little while. I think things will get better each day. All I can do is pray about it and God will take care of the rest.
Oh, my good news....Jenna pooped in the potty yesterday.....I don't think she really realized what she did, and of course, she made a big mess today in her pullup, but maybe I can work with her better after the holidays.
Posted by Jennifer at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
I had a nice teachers lunch. I really like the people I work with. I have been a little down and discouraged all day. Some things happened to us on Sunday and it has really been bothering me, or really the both of us. Everything will be ok. I hope to go shopping with mom Wednesday morning and hopefully I can finish. Maybe that will get my mind off things and my spirits back up.
Posted by Jennifer at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I am so glad this weekend is over. I got my haircut Saturday so I felt like a pretty princess for two days. Now, I'll have to try it myself. It never looks the same, but hey, at least I was queeen for a couple of days. We had a great time at the company party. It was nice to get out for awhile. Today, however, was just too crazy. Church, lunch, baptism and cantata pratice. I really enjoyed it, however, I am totally exhausted. I was supposed to shop tomorrow with my mom, but I told her, I just need to bounce back, not to mention I have 3 loads of laundry and other misc stuff to catch up on. I kept thinking of the verse tonight on the way home about come unto me all ye who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest!!! We have a so-so week this week. I have a teachers luncheon tomorrow (even though I am not "officially" a teacher) and Jacob has his program Thursday night, so that is all. It was so nice to be back at BHBC. I so enjoyed seeing all our friends. It brought back so many memories of Jack and I getting married there and everything we went through those 10 years there. I miss the friends there, but we know we are "home now" and are so grateful for the new friends God has brought our way. We can still keep in touch with the ones we are close too, but now we are on a new path. Well, let me get some sleep. It won't be long before the morning routine of rushing kids out of the house will begin once again.
Posted by Jennifer at 6:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 8, 2006
So frustrated!!
I thought I was having a great day. I actually had Mikayla come over and watch Jacob and Jenna so I could exercise, shower (ha ha) and get groceries without any kids! Jack got a call last week from someone from Wake Tech saying to call, there was a problem with his application for graduation. Well, he found out today (with Wednesday being the final) that he needs one more class. He has an email from his advisor back in July telling him if he finished this one class, he would be done, and to go ahead and apply for graduation. Now, less than one week before graduation, he finds out he needs another class. He is so discouraged. My heart just aches for him. You don't know what to say and I can't make it better. That just upsets me when you can't take away the burden your husband is carrying. He has got a good attitude, but yet I know he is so burned out and so discouraged. I know the Lord is trying to teach both of us something by this. Registration took place several weeks ago, so I hope that he will be able to get that one class he needs. Here we go again. At least one night a week gone until spring. I also just found out he has to go to California again for a week. He leaves January 15th.
Posted by Jennifer at 11:27 AM 0 comments
What children say....
So, we are driving to school yesterday and Joshua said..."I wish I were a girl". My first thought was what a horrible thought could come through such a little mind!! I asked him why he thought that way, and he said,"because I don't want to work when I get older, and girl's don't have to work"!! Boy, is that what he thinks of me....mommy doesn't work? I think a lot of people think of stay at home moms sitting on the couch all day eating etc. If they only knew!! I told him that a lot of girls worked...his teacher, his aunt, and even I used to "work" once. I also told him I "worked" at preschool, but who knows if he really thinks now that girls work too!!
I am so looking forward to the weekend! I finally get my hair trimmed after 3 months (although, with the Christmas budget, it won't be good). Jack's company is having their Christmas party at Embassy Suites in Cary. It's our first night out since our Chicago trip. It's usually a lot of fun. Last year we didn't get home till after midnight, so I hope this year is just as fun. Sunday will be a very full day, but I hope after this weekend to take it easy again for awhile (ha ha)
Posted by Jennifer at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
I need Jen or Sara to show me how to "blog" the right way!!! Today was pretty busy. I had to work at preschool today and since Thanksgiving things have been crazy. The kids have had TONS of crafts and projects to do and their program to get ready for next week, so I don't get much down time right now. I finally got back to the gym tonight. It felt good to do aerobics. Now if I could only stop eating!!!
Jenna was tired today because she didn't get a nap. She just cuddled with me on the chair...letting me rock her etc. Sometimes things get so crazy that I just need those sweet moments. I realize that they won't be little for long and some day I won't get to do this any more. My baby is 2 1/2 and I miss having the little one already!!! Joshua wanted me to lay down with him for 5 minutes tonight and gain I was reminded a day is coming where he won't let me do that any more.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 4, 2006
December 4, 2006
Posted by Jennifer at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 3, 2006
December 3, 2006
Ok. I have started my "blog", thanks to Jennifer A. We will see if I can really do this and if I will keep it up. We enjoyed having lunch with our friends today.
Posted by Jennifer at 1:03 PM 2 comments