Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Fun

My kids are enjoying having Kara here, especially Jenna.  I guess she is like the little sister that she always wanted.  They love Hannah of course too.  It's been fun for me to have two girls, but things have changed a little.  I've had to adjust my workout times to one time a week plus 5:30 am workouts.  (even though both moms have said I could take them, I only go once a week with them).  It's harder to get to run errands.  I find it harder to get to the grocery store and things like that.  I'm still doing crafts with Hannah and most of the time Kara wants to join in the fun.  I look back and see how God is so good and is constantly directing our paths.  I first of all wondered if keeping Hannah was what God wanted me to do.  Preschool jobs were not worth the time and not enough money.  I decided that watching Hannah was what God wanted me to do.  Then a complete stranger asked me to watch her son.  I prayed about it and didn't feel at peace with it, even though I debated on the money.  I didn't want to risk someone saying I spanked their son or something like that.  Look how God worked everything out....I got sweet Kara....someone that I can trust and they can trust me!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Titantic/field trip

I took the day off today to go with Jacob and his class on a field trip.  Our first trip was the governor's mansion.  This trip is usually during the spring when they cover history, but with a new governor coming in, they have restrictions of when we could visit.  I've been there before (and will have to go again next year....but at least it will be different) but I still enjoy it.  Next we headed to the science museum.  I love that this museum is free.  They had the Titanic exhibit (which was not free) that we attended.  I really enjoyed seeing everything they got from the Titanic.  At the beginning of the tour, every person is given a passenger.  Some of the passengers are featured during the tour, so you have to keep your eyes out.  (Jacob's was a very rich passenger that was featured).  I had Miss Kate Buss of England, age 36 traveling alone.  She was going to San Diego to get married to a longtime sweetheart.  Her second class was not booked to capacity so she had the cabin to herself.  At the end of the exhibit you could see if your passenger lived or died.  Jacob's died, and Miss Kate survived.  I loved reading the stories of the people....why they were traveling etc.  I was amazed by all the some people felt the bump while others didn't.  After we had our lunches we had about an hour to visit the rest of the museum.  We couldn't take pictures in the Titanic exhibit or I would have posted a ton of them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

The kids are off school today and tomorrow so I thought we would go to the pumpkin patch.  It was a good way to entertain Hannah and Kara.  We didn't pay $5 per person to do a hayride (it might even be $8) but we walked down.  The kids got to go through the mazes and see the goats and donkey.  We picked three pumpkins (one for Kara, one for Hannah and one for us) and only spent $10.  It would have been a nice place to get family pictures with all the pumpkins, mums and other flowers they had.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Fair

Jack's company gave them the day off on Friday and the kids had a half day of school, so what thing to do is to go to the fair.  My diet was completely destroyed.  We started off with fries, moved to a sausage dog, on to a fried Reece's, an elephant ear and a bloomin onion....oh, and the cotton candy.  Thankfully money ran out so that I couldn't eat any more!!  Jenna met Miss North Carolina, although I don't think she was that impressed or that she is into all that tierra stuff.  Cookie Monster was at the Romney/Ryan sticker place so we grabbed  a quick shot of him.  The kids were constantly picking up free stickers/pencils etc, and when we came to Obama, I had to tell them to put that stuff down!!  After I told them what they were grabbing they really wanted to find the Romney stickers.  Jack and I were both amazed on how many Romney stickers we saw in comparison to Obama.  Maybe there is hope for NC???

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


It's that time a year.....Josh is once again playing flag football.  I love to watch him play.  I love to watch all my kids play sports.  Josh had an awesome game Saturday. He had several flag pulls, had a touchdown and an interception.  Travis and Josh were also "captains" for the day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Gotta love Pinterest......Jenna and I made these ghost cookies out of Nutter Butters easy!!  We'll definitely be making more.