Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Funny Pictures

Ok, I am sorry honey, but I had to post these. Last week Jack was off so we did some projects around the house. We spent the entire day out on Thursday. He presure washed the front of the house and it looks so good. He decided that he wanted to try to get the roof! Joy was over here at the time, so we got a good laugh watching him try to get up there. Of course, once he got up there, the washer stopped, but luckily I was able to get it started for him. Seriously though, I am glad he did not get hurt. Joy wanted us to come to her house, but I told her I needed to stay close because I didn't want Jack doing that work alone. Thanks, honey. I know I had to pick on you, but it does look nice and I appreciate it, even though the roof trick didn't work. Joshua didn't have soccer last night because of the wind so he was disappointed. Jenna's appt went well. We saw Miss Tina and Miss Karen. Jenna wanted Miss Tina to come look at her. I told her Miss Tina was not the doctor!!!


Jack said...

You're friendly neighborhood Spiderman! I'm not done on that roof yet. I'll be back! = )