I took this from Pam's blog (I hope you don't mind, Pam). It is too funy and just the way I feel right now!!! Make sure the volume is up on your computer!! I really needed that today!!
Happy Friday!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
A Good Friday Laugh
Posted by Jennifer at 4:16 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Answered Prayer/Prayer Request......
I heard from Priscilla, the preschool director yesterday. She promised another lady that she could work 5 days a week so it looks like she will be put with Melody. She did give me four days a week. I am thankful for more hours because it will give Jack and I some spending money, but I am very disappointed that I didn't get with Melody. I REALLY wanted to work with the 4 year olds, but at this point, it wasn't meant to be. I will be working with Melody again on T/TH with the 3's, and on M/W with Christine with the 2's. I prayed about it so I know this is where God must want me. The prayer request is that there is one lady, Amy, who may not come back. If she doesn't come, I will get moved to the 4's. Please pray that she will not want to come back. She was out a lot last year and is upset that she didn't get a teaching position. Her husband is the manager at Walmart, so she really doesn't need the money, nor does she take her job seriously. So, continue to pray, and I know it will work out if it is meant to be.
Joshua is still limping. He did ride his bike last night so he is bending it. I am still hoping that this is not a habit he has formed. He was so sweet because I was talking to him about it yesterday and he said "mommy, I prayed about it last night on my bed, and again this morning". I reminded him about what Ms. Mincy taught him...sometimes God says, "yes, no, or Wait".....hmmmmm maybe I need to remind myself at that. Maybe I am somewhere between a "no or wait"!!!
We are taking it easy today. Trying to beat the heat! I hope to use this day to get caught up and to start tackling my consignment sale stuff! I have a big job ahead of me, but it will be worth it if we can pay for our beach trip!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Concerned About Joshua....
Posted by Jennifer at 4:33 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Lunch With Friends
Tonight is t-ball for the boys. I am tempted to tear Joshua's bandage off his knee so he will walk normally again! I don't think he is ready to be out in the field, but I know he can bat. Jacob will probably be more interested in snack time! Hopefully, I can get them down to rest before the game. I don't have to worry about the clock anymore. The kids have gotten used to sleeping until 8:20-8:30 now, so that is making things a little easier for me.
Posted by Jennifer at 3:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
More Things My Kids Say
I am glad I am writing these things down so that someday I can have another laugh. Last night we took different cars to church so that Jack could jog and I could run to Walmart. I was driving home with the kids and they saw a truck that looked like Jack's. They said "there is daddy's truck" (even though he didn't take the truck and I told them it wasn't him). Then I heard them say "that's a different mommy sitting next to daddy!!!"
We've been watching home videos of the kids. It has been fun to watch them as a baby growing up. Sometimes Jacob and Jenna wonder why they aren't in the videos and Joshua just says "You weren't hatched yet!!!!!"
Then, last night I was reviewing the papers from his class and asking questions about his story. He seemed eager to tell me all the details about the burning bush. Then I asked him who the man was with the burning bush and he said "I don't know" (sorry Miss Tina, we'll try to get that part next week!!!). Of course Mr. Jacob was just as serious as he always is.
No big plans for today. I'll try to get some work done around the house and enjoy the kids and try to keep mending Joshua's knee. He hobbles around like he broke his legs or something! I hope he can play T-ball tomorrow. At least he can bat!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:04 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The First Scare
You know a few months back I was saying that we hadn't been to the ER with our kids. Then, I ended up going with the kidney stone. Last night, I was giving Jacob a bath and Jack was out with Josh and Jenna (letting Jenna use her new princess bike). I heard Jack yelling so I went out and Joshua had fallen in the neighbor's driveway (the one with NEW rocks) and cut his knee. I took one look at it and said to myself "this needs stitches". The cut was deeper then most and right where he bends the knee. Of course this was at 8:15 and all urgent cares were closed. We didn't think it needed a $50 ER visit, so we just patched him up and waited to look. We thought we could call the pediatrician this morning and get a visit if needed. We looked again and Jack's doctoring did a good job. It's still border line, but I think he will be ok without stitches. I think if he stays off his bike for a few days he will be back to normal. Let me emphasize that I would spend the $50 on my child if it is needed, but this was border line. I hated the idea of sitting there for hours and then ending up spending the money if he didn't need anything. So, that was my first scare!!!
We didn't do much yesterday. We did go to yard sales and I found a bike for Jenna. Her training wheels broke and we got a PRINCESS bike for less than getting new training wheels cost!! Of course she is so excited! I was hoping to find one for Jacob too as his is in the same condition.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Art Day/Water Day
fun with shaving cream
more fun with shaving cream
Josh's porcupine
Jake's porcupine
Jenna's porcupine
getting ready to paint Jenna at work
Wes' porcupine
Levi's porcupine
Josh at pool
This is what happens when you are tired!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:12 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wacky Wednesday
Posted by Jennifer at 4:50 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Aren't They Cute...?
Posted by Jennifer at 4:05 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What an exciting title for today's blog. I wasn't even going to blog today, but I guess I got inspired!! We didn't do much. I decided not to go to movie day. Instead, I ventured out and got groceries. The kids were pretty well behaved. It was too hot to do anything else, and I really wanted a day at home to do nothing, and that's pretty much what I have done!!! I told the kids they could watch a movie here. Jacob picked out Max Lucado's "If Only I had a green nose" aka to my kids as "Willie". Joshua watched Star Wars. I cleaned a couple more drawers and mopped the floor. Tonight is our first T-ball game. It should be interesting as the boys really don't know what they are doing yet. Joshua said he wants me to cheer again though!!!!! Tomorrow we are running to the mall and then over to mom's house (grandma's) so they are excited.
I do have another prayer request. I would really like to help Melody with the 4 year old class this fall along with the 3's. I have to take the kids there every day anyway (Jacob will go on M/W/F, and Jenna goes T/Th). I'd like to work with my kids from last year again and I really could use the extra money for the family. I think we would make that our spending and saving money. Anyway, I have been praying about it. Either way I am fine, but I just wish she would make her decisions and let everyone know soon. I have heard all her teachers are in place, but she doesn't know where to put her assistants. I am not a patient person at all! My kids came home Sunday telling me about their lesson about the way God answers prayer (yes Sara, they are paying attention). I know this is just God's "wait" but it seems so hard. I think at times I would just rather have the "no" instead of waiting!!! Anyway, pray that she makes a decison soon and if it is meant to be, I will be helping in two classes. Maybe God knows it will be too much for me, but there again, I'd just like the "no" answer!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:35 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Early Riser
I got up this morning with Jack. I went for a walk in the neighborhood. The cool morning air felt so good. I was able to have time to myself and also pray along the way. It was about a 20-25 minute walk. Our neighborhood is not the greatest for walking. I miss the gym where I could workout for one hour!!! Maybe some day I will get to go back. I was able to shower (before noon!!!) read my Bible, get out my morning emails, and start organizing my dresser (more on that later). The alarm clock thing is not going that great. The boys can't quite understand how many more minutes they have before 8 am. Also, the cheap clock I bought can't be seen unless you push this button, so I guess that is what I get for getting the cheapest one I could find!! I can't believe the boys still want to get up so early after being up late and running around!!! (especially everything we did this weekend...see pictures from Saturday) So, back to my dresser. My goal for this summer is to get all the closets and drawers around the house organized and cleaned out!!! You saw my before and after of my closet and pantry, so now I am working on everything else! We sure have accumulated a lot of junk over the years!!! Today we will stick around the house and then we are heading over to Travis' to use their neighborhood pool (sure wish we had one). What a perfect day for it with it being 95 or more!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Gilead's Company Picnic
that snow cone was good!
Joshua and the slide
Jacob playing games to win prizes
Josh and Jenna making father's day cards (another booth)
Jenna getting her face painted
this was a giant slide! The kids loved it
Josh and the climbing wall
Jack wants a turn too!
the kids in the bouncy thing
Posted by Jennifer at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 15, 2007
Fun With Travis
Posted by Jennifer at 3:52 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Just when I was about to stop blogging, another reader joined my group! I have to keep telling myself that someday I will look back and read these entries and be glad I did it. The past few nights we have put on old videos of the kids. I am so glad we did that too. It's hard for me to remember Joshua before Jacob was born. He had this tiny little voice and said the cutest things. It also made me realize how much they have grown!!! I had nursery last night at church and it ended up to be a good thing. Sara had to fill in for someone else, and it was so nice to have some female conversation!!! It was also nice for me to realize that I am not the only one going through the same struggles!!
So today we are meeting up with Travis and Traci at the park. We were supposed to go swimming, but it's a little cold so we will try again next week. I am hoping that time away from the house will be good for all of us. Also, tonight I am getting out! I just need some time away from the kids and time to myself, so when Jack comes home, I am getting out for awhile. I am so excited!!! I am already planning out my route.
Oh, my experiment.....well, yesterday I heard the boys in there at 7:50. I peaked in and they were still in their beds, they were just talking, so I guess it worked! I am hoping today will work too. It gives me time, but at the same time, if they are staying up late in the summer, it gives them the time they need too!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Experiment
So yesterday was so-so. The kids and I enjoyed Charlotte's Web. They did very well at the movies. We'll have to go to the free ones next week! The kids were a little wild yesterday afternoon. It's one of those days that I needed to get out of the house. It was a "Please More Spirit" day and I didn't feel the greatest. Nothing was going right. I hadn't talked to anyone all day long (except for trying to settle arguments), the grill wouldn't start, and then when I finally did get it to start, it was pouring rain!!! I wanted so badly to "get out" and then T-ball was cancelled (or at least I think it was). Oh well, hopefully today will be better. So, my experiment....I read on Sara's blog about having a clock in the boy's room and telling them they can't get up until a certain time. I went to Target yesterday and got a cheap alarm and set it. I told them it had to be at least 8 before they could get up and do their jobs. I hope it works. My kids want to stay up late, but then they want up at 7 am and then they are cranky all day. I am wondering if my plan will really work. Jenna seems to want to catch a little nap during the day, and last night Jacob said he didn't feel well. He fell asleep at 6:45 and then he slept for 45 minutes. Maybe we should just stay on our normal routine.....a short nap, bed time and wake up at or before 7 am. It's one of those things I am not sure what to do, but I guess I'll try this for a little while longer and see if it works.
Posted by Jennifer at 4:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
First Day of Summer Vacation
Posted by Jennifer at 7:00 PM 1 comments
That Dot On Joshua's Neck!!!
Saturday afternoon we got out Jacob's new Spiderman slip and slide. The kids had a lot of fun using it. They had grass all over them when they were done, so one by one I brought them in for a much needed bath. I brought Joshua in and tried to help him get some of the grass off of him, and he said " mom, there is this little brown dot on my neck. Please don't rub that. I've tried before to scrub it off and it won't come off. It's just stuck there". Of course, it's just one of those things that you had to be there to listen to him explain, and of course, he was very serious about it!! Ok, Joshua, I promise not to try to rub that little freckle/mole off your neck!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 9, 2007
End Of The Year Party
Posted by Jennifer at 5:09 AM 0 comments