Tuesday, June 19, 2007


What an exciting title for today's blog. I wasn't even going to blog today, but I guess I got inspired!! We didn't do much. I decided not to go to movie day. Instead, I ventured out and got groceries. The kids were pretty well behaved. It was too hot to do anything else, and I really wanted a day at home to do nothing, and that's pretty much what I have done!!! I told the kids they could watch a movie here. Jacob picked out Max Lucado's "If Only I had a green nose" aka to my kids as "Willie". Joshua watched Star Wars. I cleaned a couple more drawers and mopped the floor. Tonight is our first T-ball game. It should be interesting as the boys really don't know what they are doing yet. Joshua said he wants me to cheer again though!!!!! Tomorrow we are running to the mall and then over to mom's house (grandma's) so they are excited.

I do have another prayer request. I would really like to help Melody with the 4 year old class this fall along with the 3's. I have to take the kids there every day anyway (Jacob will go on M/W/F, and Jenna goes T/Th). I'd like to work with my kids from last year again and I really could use the extra money for the family. I think we would make that our spending and saving money. Anyway, I have been praying about it. Either way I am fine, but I just wish she would make her decisions and let everyone know soon. I have heard all her teachers are in place, but she doesn't know where to put her assistants. I am not a patient person at all! My kids came home Sunday telling me about their lesson about the way God answers prayer (yes Sara, they are paying attention). I know this is just God's "wait" but it seems so hard. I think at times I would just rather have the "no" instead of waiting!!! Anyway, pray that she makes a decison soon and if it is meant to be, I will be helping in two classes. Maybe God knows it will be too much for me, but there again, I'd just like the "no" answer!!!


sara said...

Yah! It is good to know at least somebody is listening!

I will pray that you get an answer soon!

Jack said...

I'll pray that God helps you with patience. He did give you me as a husband. That requires a bit of patience. = )