Thursday, February 14, 2008

To My Valentines....

Our pastor and his wife are offering to watch the kids from our church so that parents can go out and spend Valentine's Day together. It's been awhile since we have spent Valentine's Day alone, so I am so looking forward to a nice dinner together! Thanks Pastor and Nancy.....and Valentine's Day presentation.....

I can’t do a Valentine’s Day post without recognizing my special Valentine! Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart! I love you! I can’t write him a poem and I can’t do a special slide presentation set to music like you did for me last year, but I can tell you how much you mean to me! I remember as a little girl I would play with my dolls and toys and dream of the day when I would be a wife and a mom. I remember heading off to college thinking I would get my M.R.S. degree, and the disappointment of not getting it!! I remember seeing all my friends getting married and thinking “God, you forgot about me”. But, then, it happened. I met you and I prayed for one date with you. Just one date is all I ever wanted. I knew back then you were something special. I got that one date with you and one thing led to another. Now, I have been married to you for almost 11 years! You were worth the wait! I love you very much! You have made all my dreams come true! I love you….Happy Valentine’s Day, Jack! I look forward to spending a nice dinner with you tonight!!!

To my three other little valentines, I love you too. Joshua, I love the way you work so hard at things and for all the questions you ask me! I love it when the other two fall asleep in the car and it's just you and me talking about things! I just love watchng you grow up! You are such a joy to us!
Jacob, I love the way you get so excited about things! Sometimes you can hardly get things all out because you just get so excited. I love your smile and your laugh! I love the way you cuddle with mommy. I love the way you love to help daddy outside! You are such a blessing to our family!
And to my little Jenna. You will forever be my little princess. I love the way that you keep up with your brothers! I love the way you don't let anything stop you. I love our shopping trips and you helping pick out clothes. I love painting your nails! You will always be our little girl....our angel!


sara said...

Awwwww cute! happy Valentine's Day!

Jack said...

Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart! Can't wait to see you!

jennwa said...

I hope you have a great time at dinner.
That is a very sweet post.