Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Day of Spring Break

The first day of spring break was nice. No major injuries....Jacob just ran into a wall and got a nice shiner. I was able to clean (sorta) the boys closet and get their spring/summer stuff out. I was also amazed of how much Jacob has outgrown. I have a big pile of his clothes ready for the Kids Exchange sale, now if I can find a place to store it until then. I also realized that he was down to one pair of jeans. Thank goodness warmer temps are coming! I put a pair of Joshua's on him and I could hardly get it snapped. It was a slim size though, so I am sure that is why. I also managed to "clean" part of my closet. I actually got rid of some clothes and shoes so that was an accomplishment for me. I did that while talking two hours on the phone to my friend, Rudine, who I haven't talked to since December. I also cleaned our oven so I think I had a good day. I won't get as much done today as Jacob and Jenna need to see Dr. Pretzel (really it's Dr. Pretzer the dentist) and Joshua has to go to his follow up ENT appt. I guess I'll just spend the day in Garner!!!