Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Very Tough Decision

I have a tough decision to make. Last night I got a phone call from the director of the kids new school. She used to go to our church. She asked me if I would consider teaching the K4 class next year. Wow! I can’t believe she would even consider me. I really don’t know what to do, and I certainly don’t want to leave her hanging. The hard part is that I LOVE MY JOB! The thought of leaving is really hard. I love my kids. I am so attached to them and most of them I am getting back for a second year. I am happy there and never considered leaving. The new job would offer me new challenges, but I would fulfill my dream…to be a teacher. Jenna would go with me for free and be one of my students (right now I would have 7 kids). I would also get more money than I am making now, but when Jenna gets to kindergarten, I would only get one child at half price and the other two are full tuition (because I am only working a half day). + a salary.
I start doubting myself wondering if I can really do this. I don’t know why I doubt myself. I guess it is fear that creeps up on me. I know I am not degreed in education. I am not crafty by any means. I am having a hard time teaching my 7 year old cursive writing, how could I ever teach 4 year olds to do it? The application she sent me is very thorough. Like "what is my philosophy of discipline? I really don't know how to answer that. "what is my philosophy of education?" um.....I don't help my child to his full potential....I mean I can't even answer these, and I am supposed to teach?

I should also note that the job is not automatically mine. I would have the dreaded interview with the school board....oh wait, that's another con!


More money
I am with ALL my kids
I am the teacher
Jenna is free
a chance to better myself

More responsibility(total responsibility)
Jenna leaves her friends
I leave a job I love, plus all my co-workers
I will miss Emma, Olivia, Ashley (some of my favorites)
Fear of the unknown/failure
Jenna now has a dress code
I can only wear pants and skirts (yes, I love to be casual!)
Dealing with parent and parents complaints.

I know the decision is mine and I have a few days to pray about it. I know this is a hard decision, but either way I get to do something I love. Any comments or what would you do if your feet were in my shoes?


Unknown said...

It's a wonderful choice to have to make...but something I haven't heard you mention is your time factor. Even with half a day, you'll only have a few hours before you have to go back and pick up the boys. Will you have to do lesson plans (which happens outside of classtime)? What extras will you have to help with (clean the classroom, programs, etc.) But most importantly, what does Jack think about this?
As for your philosophy of discipline, take out a sheet of paper, and make a list of how you handle situations. If Jacob threw pencils at Jenna, how would you rectify that situation? Would you use treasure chests, paddling, a point system, etc...once you stop and think about the practical stuff your kids do on a daily basis and how you handle it, then you'll have your philosophy of discipline. I'll be praying you make the right decision for you and your family, whatever that may be.

Jennifer said...

I talked to Jenene about this because I have never taught. She said I would already know from day to day what to teach...everything is laid out for me.
Jenna would be on a dress code. I don't mind, but all of her clothes would have to be bought from one certain place. Jack supports me whatever I decide to do.

Lydia said...

We will definitely pray with you on this big decision. Maybe you could at least start the process. After the interview you would probably have a better idea if these are people you want to work with/for. If they DO offer you the job you can always turn them down, right?