Sunday, November 16, 2008

Native American Project

Scratch another "to do" off our list for this month. Joshua had a project due on Native Americans due on Wednesday, and we finished early! He first started by working on his written report. After that, we worked on the cardboard presentation, and Saturday we worked on our 'replica" of the housing. We chose the Great Plains area because they lived in teepees. My thanks goes to Jack for helping with the ice cream cone models! I found this idea and it wasn't as easy as it looked, but Jack got things put together nicely for us. So here is his poster board, report, and model all done early!! Someone gave us the little Indian people and accessories, so we are adding that under the poster board. Next Monday he needs to dress like the Native Americans, but I have that covered too. Now, all we have left for this month is to learn Matthew 5:3-12 by next Monday (oh dear....we only have 3-4 verses memorized so far) and start learning our Christmas part for church (we have the school program down pat!!!). We'll get there.....little by little, inch by inch!!


Lydia said...

Yay- what a great job on the project! Joshua also did a really great job with his angel part today at church! He'll get it all done somehow!

Unknown said...

Wow! You guys are really knocking things out! And his project looks great! (I like your new blog look,too!) Don't fret about the play will come

sara said...

Looks great!!!!! His cursive writing looks awesome. Wes is really struggling with that. It looks like he needs to get some help from his friend :)