Posted by Jennifer at 7:49 AM 5 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 3:39 PM 3 comments
I haven't posted for awhile. That's because I've been sick for the last three days. This thing has really whipped my tail. I don't usually get sick. I woke up with a sore throat Saturday, which isn't uncommon, but this time it came right back. I met Jack and the kids for lunch and was so cold. It hurt too bad for me to eat. So, I came home and stayed in bed for the day. I thought I was getting better Saturday night. I was getting ready to go to church Sunday and had to stop my shower because I started feeling to weak and dizzy, so I spent all day in bed battling a fever and sore throat. Today was no better, so I went to the clinic and found out I have strep (which I assumed). I am now on antibiotics and hope to be on the mend.
My thanks to my wonderful husband, who took over ALL the household duties Saturday and Sunday night. He took care of the kids, fed them, and did laundry and put it all away!! I am so grateful to God for such a wonderful husband. Thanks honey for taking care of me.
Thanks also to my special friend for bringing a surprise meal over tonight for me and the kids. It was more like a feast, but it makes me grateful to know I have friends who care!
So, that is why I have been "gone for awhile". I hope to be posting again soon.
Posted by Jennifer at 3:57 PM 3 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 4:28 AM 4 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Jacob keeps me laughing and he doesn't even try too! Tuesday we were driving home from school and as calm as he could be he said "mommy, I think I lost a tooth". (we knew it was loose and we could see the new one pushing through). I turned around and looked and he did lose it. I asked him where it was and once again HE DID NOT KNOW WHERE IT WENT!!!! "Jacob, did it fall in the car?"
"I don't know"
"Did you swallow it"
"I don't know"
I don't know how the little guy has lost two teeth and has no clue where they went!! Once again he was worried about the tooth fairy, and frankly I was too. I had no cash on hand and I knew he would get very upset if nothing showed up SO......I borrowed money from Joshua to pay Jacob!!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 3:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jacob
Posted by Jennifer at 12:08 PM 2 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 4:53 PM 5 comments
Labels: Jenna
Posted by Jennifer at 4:11 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jacob
Posted by Jennifer at 6:08 PM 4 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 1:24 PM 4 comments