Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Weeks Are Just a Rat Race.........

Here is my week. Today: drop boys off at school, run quick errand, go to work. After work, run and get groceries, put groceries away, put a load of laundry in, off to get the boys. Pick up boys, start homework and dinner, put clothes in dryer. After dinner, more homework (usually extra work or just a different child), read Bible, pray, bed. Whew....relax for a little!
Tuesday: drop boys off, go to work. After work run home, fix Jenna lunch, off to Little Gym for her gymnastics lesson. Go straight to pick up the boys. Start homework, start dinner, put yet more laundry in. After dinner finish homework, supervise baths/showers, read Bible, pray, bed...whew....a few minutes to rest.
Wednesday: drop boys off, go to work. After work lunch and staff meeting at school. Go straight to pick up boys, start homework, dinner, and do yet another load of laundry. After dinner its any left over homework, baths, read Bible, pray, and off to bed. Yet another hour of quiet!!!
Thursday: Things slow down a little. drop boys off, go to work, come home make Jenna lunch, get on treadmill, clean house....oops time is to get the boys, start homework, dinner.....blah blah blah.
Friday.....take boys to school. Go to work, leave early to get the boys (early release day), run back to preschool to finish my day, entertain the kids the rest of the day.
Now do you see why I am so tired???? At least we all have Monday off. I'm also off Th/F because of teacher workday in Johnston Co. I'm taking Wednesday off for a field trip with the boys....which leaves only 1 work day next week!!!!


Unknown said...

Curisity question: when you put a load of a laundry in to wash before you go somewhere, do you ever forget about it until the next day when you go to put the next load in?

sara said...

Good question, Monica! I always do that! In fact, I think I have a load in the washer from yesterday.

You do have a crazy week. Sounds like you have it organized, tho and you must have a good calendar to keep it all straight.

Jennifer said...

Actually, I can only remember 1 time that I forgot about it. I'm usually pretty good about it. Probably because we don't ever seem to have enough school clothes.

Lydia said...

If my clothes ever smell like mildew, you know why. Although I usually try to run them through again if they have been left for too long...which is often:)