Friday, February 6, 2009

This Little Light of Mine....and Luke, the Physician????

The other day Jenna was singing "this little light of mine" she kept on singing it over and over again when suddenly she just stopped and said "mommy, if I let my light shine this much, won't it run out of batteries?"
We are still reading through the Bible and we told Josh we would still be back in Luke soon. We mentioned that he was a physician or a doctor and he said "a doctor?" I said, sure, don't you think they needed doctors back then? "no," he said. Well, what would they do without a doctor? "back then they just died". (another moment that you had to be there....very serious, but I died laughing)


sara said...

run out of batteries- hilarious!

Unknown said...

That is TOO funny!

Lydia said...

Ah, the innocence of kids. Apparently, we have come such a long way that we now no longer die- too cute!! Jen, looks like we should definitely be home by Monday night. Lauren has had a really good later afternoon and evening and will hopefully start solids tomorrow. We may even go home late tomorrow but I'm not counting on it.