Thursday, July 9, 2009

So Close.....

It's hard to believe that this time next week Jack and I will be in New York City!! I can't tell you how excited I am. I'm a little nervous too. We were able to take this trip because of several reasons....first of all, some very dear friends who are willing to take all three kids, and enjoy it. Next, we have a friend of the family who gave us their airline miles so that we could go. Third, one of nights in the hotel is paid for by points we have earned from our credit card. Fourth, I have some spending money thanks to working a hard week at preschool camp and other odd jobs that I have gotten.
I'm excited to see the city in detail this time (last time was very rushed) and see it with my best friend. I'm excited to spend some quality alone time with him as we have not had this for a LONG fact, I don't even remember when our last date night was....that's too long!! I'm nervous because of leaving the kids. Even though they will have the time of their lives, I still worry about them. I'm their mom. I'm supposed to take care of them. I know it's just a couple of days, but what if they get sick? What if my plane is cancelled and I can't come home? (that's happened to me before). I know I can become a worry wort, so I better just take this wonderful gift and enjoy it!!! I know once I am there I will be having the time of my life! I'll feel like Cary Grant in "An Affair to Remember" when I'm on the Empire State Building....only I'll have my other with me, and I won't get hit by a car!!!!


Lydia said...

You will have so much fun!!!!! I understand about the worrying over your kids though...I'm stressing just a little over the fact that I won't see mine for...oh, 6 weeks or so:(

Unknown said...

I recognize this is coming from a non-mom who "doesn't understand" BUT...your kids can throw up and be sick at someone else's house just as easy as they can at yours, and someone else can clean it up just as good as you can. They will not break if you miss your flight and don't get home for another day. All you have to do is call them on the phone, let each one hear your voice and a very simple explanation of what happened, and they'll accept it. They will not starve if they eat someone else's cooking (though Josh might worry about it! :O) and they'll be all the more happy to see you when you return...I'm excited for you!

Amy said...

I'm so excited for you! I LOVE NYC!!! We have been several times before we had children. I'll never forget the first time I stepped out of Grand Central Station and into the street and looked UP. I had never been to NYC before, and the tall buildings were amazing. I love Empire State Building, and I really enjoyed Ellis Island (which I didn't expect to be so interesting).

-Amy N.