Tuesday, November 3, 2009

fall festival/game night

Josh with his friends Zack, Sutton and Madde

waiting to play

the big race

Last Friday was pretty busy. I took the kids over to Southside to their fall festival. They had games, free hot dogs (red) free popcorn, free nachos and drinks. They had a lot of games to play and a hayride. I liked some of the games because there was Bob and Larry, a tree of life game, the wall of Jericho etc. I liked the theme games. They also had a trike race which was very funny to see. My kids raced each other and Jenna won.

After that we headed over to church because our small group had game night. I was a little unsure about going because I could only imagine some in depth games that I never seem to understand. It was so fun. I learned how to play Apples to Apples. We also had pizza and dessert. So, our weekend was VERY full!!


Unknown said...

you'll have to tell me more about their games the next time we have lunch!