Friday, January 8, 2010

A Little Disappointed..........

I'm a little disappointed. First of all Jack is leaving next Thursday for San Diego. I tried to get away with him for the weekend (especially since I have Monday off for MLK day) but that didn't work out. Next, he comes home last night and says he has to stay two more days and won't be home until the following Friday (disappointment two). One of the biggest disappointments is getting this email last night " The rest of the meals you can sit back and relax and enjoy the other ladies taking care of you". Enjoy "relaxing games, eating, fellowshipping, FREE TIME (to sit and read a book, watch movies, GO SHOPPING, or whatever you choose) No fixing up required (not that I fix up) FEEL FREE TO STAY IN PJS.....THIS IS YOUR TIME TO RELAX!!!" Yep, I miss the ladies retreat again. Every year Jack goes on a trip the same time of year, and every year the ladies take a retreat at the same time.
Yes, I'm a little "bitter" about this. A beach trip, relaxing, doing whatever I want. No, it won't work out for me. Jen never gets a chance to RELAX, RENEW and RECHARGE. I always get bothered when all the ladies come back because they seem to form this bond, this closeness that I don't get to share. I feel like I need this time to let my walls down and make some bonds, but it won't happen. So forgive me if when you come home I plug my ears about how nice it was to sit by the beach, stay in PJ's etc.....please pray for me next Thursday while Jack is gone a week and a day and I'm alone with the kids.


Lydia said...

We are definitely going out to Starbucks...what's next week like for you?

sara said...

I am sorry you can't go :(

Unknown said...
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Amy said...

ugh. That would be a toughie for me. I already struggle with "not fitting in" in some circles (not ALL by any means!) and being left out... so, it's an opportunity for growth and patience and loving others, and squashing jealousy; I have this same opportunity from time to time, heh, heh hee.