Thursday, March 11, 2010

Answered story

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned a prayer request that was on my heart. I wanted to let you know that I received my answer last night and I wanted to share everything with you.

Back early February, I went for my yearly exam. Everything went well. Tests came back ok, except for my iron, which is very low (it always was during my pregnancies too). My blood pressure was up. The doctor asked about my periods (sorry men readers) and I told her they were coming closer together at times, seemed to be heavier and lasting longer. She asked if I wanted relief, and I said of course. She couldn't put me on birth control because my blood pressure was up. We discussed options and decided that I would like to go with an endometrial ablation (where they go in an burn the lining). I had a friend who had this done, and is very pleased with the results. Back to the story....she needed to do an ultrasound first before anything else could be done, so I did that. About a week later the phone rings and she told me that the top of the lining was very thick which means there was probably a fibroid tumor or a polyp there. Again, before they had to do anything, they had to test for CANCER! They had to make sure these growths were not cancerous. Now maybe I over-reacted, but to even hear that they have to test for this freaked me out. All I wanted was relief from my period, not discovering cancer. (I also got this phone call in car pool line). So, I had to wait for my next period and then schedule a biopsy. I'm really thinking the worse here. Cancer had never been mentioned during our office visit.

Monday I had the biopsy. Again, things started rocky. Jack took the afternoon off to be with me so that he could hear what the doctor had to say. About 15 minutes after he got home, the phone rang. We didn't answer it. Then, my cell phone was the doctors office. She had to cancel and switch my appt until today (Thursday). Are you serious? Jack said I kept my cool, but I thought I lost it with the lady. I hung up and just cried. Ten minutes later, the doctor called herself and said she COULD do it if I would come later.

The doctor said if they found cancer, she would do a hysterectomy. I got the results last night (I wasn't supposed to get them until today), and there was no cancer......yipee....did you hear me yelling yesterday?

Last night she called in a prescription for me to take for 14 days. About 3-5 days after that I will have a period. Once that is done, they will schedule outpatient surgery for me.....first they will go in and remove the tumor/polyp and then they will do the other procedure.

Thank you all for your prayers and for standing by me. God is so good!!


sara said...

THANK THE LORD!!!! What a relief!!! I am so happy for you! :)

Unknown said...

I was wondering what was up. I am so glad to here that everything is fine. If there is anything I can do for you let me know. Yes, God is Good!

Lydia said...

I prayed and prayed- God is so faithful to hear our prayers and relieve our stress:) He knew you needed to get an answer before today:) So happy for you!!!

Unknown said...

What a relief! And let us know when your other procedure is scheduled. Blessings dear friend!