Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Help needed from my readers.....

This will sound silly, but I do need your help if you live close by to me. I'm still in the need of bugs. Joshua has a project where he has to collect 10 different insects, freeze them, look at them, and then display and write about what he has observed. I could still use a lady bug, an ant (I was looking for one of those bigger ones) a cockroach, fly, termite, bee, wasp, grasshopper, mosquito or any other type of insect. So far we have a spider (which now I don't think is considered an insect) a big big bug which I'm not sure what it is, a cricket, a butterfly, a moth, and another type of bug. If you find any of these in your house and don't mind catching them, I would appreciate it. The bug does not have to be alive as they will die anyway when we freeze them. Normally I could find these roaming the house, but where are they when you REALLY need them?????


Lydia said...

I'll be on the hunt- we are doing some outdoor activities this week and will look for bugs:) I have some box tops for ya!