Monday, February 7, 2011


Believe it or not, we are making progress. Since Saturday was raining, we spent the day cleaning. Jack cleaned out my closet and reorganized it so now I can walk in it. There is still a lot of stuff, but it is better. I have a small dresser in my kitchen (but hopefully that will be in my room by Wednesday) and a refrigerator in Jenna's room. Jenna's room is also a mess full of yard sale things, but hopefully having the yard sale Saturday will make it better. I'm hoping to make a little cash to buy some paint (and a mirror) and enough for Jack and I have a night out Monday night (since the sitter is actually free for once). Jack also made progress on the storage shed. Part of the walls are up, so it looks like a shed now. Hopefully in a few weeks my house will be back to normal and my walls will be painted!!


Unknown said...

WHOOOHOOO! Hooray for completed projects and progression on others!