Saturday, March 19, 2011

Field Trip

Yesterday I went with Joshua and his class on a field trip. Other than his field trip last year, this has definitely been one of the best trips I have been on. Since the kids have a big NC history project due at the end of next month, we went downtown to get pictures and info for their notebooks. Our first stop was the governors mansion. I really enjoyed this. It was a smaller version of when we went to the White House last year. We had to get security clearance, although we never had to show our ID's. After the governor's mansion we went to the legislative building. We sat outside and ate our lunch....and it was a beautiful day......and then headed over to the capital building for a tour of that. I'll post pictures of the legislative and capital in the next few days. I'll just concentrate on the governor's mansion for today.


sara said...

Oh my goodness! How fun! We definitely need to get a tour too.

Unknown said...

Inside the Governor's mansion is incredible! I lOVE the staircase railings! Did they let the kids see the playground in the back?