Thursday, October 6, 2011

Here today, Gone tomorrow (a week in review)

I sit here writing this post thinking of the Casting Crowns song that says "here today and gone tomorrow" and that is what I feel like. Last week was a whirlwind that totally took me off guard. I can't believe that it has been a week already since my mom passed away.
Monday: I wake up, get the kids to school, take a nice long walk, come home and clean, cook and get things caught up.....all the while not knowing that my mom had a bad morning. She had not felt well, wasn't responding right and eventually felt dizzy and fell. I didn't get the call from my dad until 2 pm, still not knowing how serious things were. I rush to call Jack. I rush to call a friend to arrange for the kids to go over. No answer. Call another friend. She could take the kids. I pick the kids up, rush to do homework, rush to get some food down them and then we are out the door. Pick up Jack, run to the hospital. Mom is in Cardiac care. Not doing well. still unconscious. Doctors said she would not make it through the night. I take Jack back to pick up his car and head home. I turn the radio on and what is the first song I hear? "I'll praise you in this storm"
Tuesday: Start my day again. I wait for my sister to come home from the beach to go to the hospital with her. Mom made a "miraculous" recovery. Awake. She can squeeze your had and nod gently. A ray of hope perhaps? The doctors can't understand. But then the doctor says that she now has a 10% chance of survival.
Wednesday: Drop the kids off, run to get some things for their lunches and go home. I'm waiting on my sister to come to the house to pick up her dog and she calls. She is almost at my house but we have to go to the hospital NOW!! I just got out of the shower, so I scramble to leave. We get to the hospital and meet with the doctors. Mom's kidneys are 90 % down, liver is almost gone. She is being kept alive by the machines. Dad makes the difficult choice with our help to let her go from the machines. They come get us around's breathing is changing....maybe 20 minutes or less. Mom ends up holding up until 4:30. We were there when she passed one moment, gone the next......and went very peacefully.
The rest of a week was full of making arrangements, and of course the funeral.
I knew mom was sick, but I didn't know she would go so quickly. I still can't believe that it has been a week already. Some days have been ok, some have been really hard. Yesterday was an extremely hard day for me. Thank you for all of you who have sent emails, sent cards, provided meals, came to the funeral....etc. It really means a lot to me. I heard this song on the radio yesterday by Jeremey Camp.....There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears. There will be day when the burdens of this place will be no more, we'll see Jesus face to face.


Lydia said...

Love you girl!!! Continuing to lift you up in prayer!

sara said...

What a shock :( I am so sorry. Praying for you daily- the kids are praying too.