Friday, February 3, 2012

Joyful January

It's hard to believe that January is over and a new month has begun. I was trying to think of a word to describe the month but couldn't come up with one. The month started really slow. Later in the month, things picked up for me work wise. It ended up being a great month for the extra money that was prayed for. I wanted to earn enough money to send Josh and Jake to the Wilds, and that came in. That was a huge blessing. I also started praying that God would provide me a job......even if that was next year when the new preschool year starts. Then a couple of weeks later something weird started to happen. Things started to come at once. I started to get a lot of subbing jobs, and I LOVE to sub! Then one day I went to the gym and my old preschool called and wanted me to come in to sub for the morning......but get this, the same afternoon Missy called me and asked me to watch Hannah on a permanent basis. careful what you pray for:) I went from nothing to maybe several doors opening up. Missy told me to pray about it and talk to Jack.
It's funny because one of the times I kept Hannah in the past I told Jack that if I had a little girl to watch like Hannah, I would do it because she is so good and she doesn't keep me from what I need to do. Jack was so good and said "what's there to think about?" I knew that if I turned down this job, than I couldn't complain about not having a job. I didn't even think I could pray about another job if I turned this one down. I had turned down a preschool position in Smithfield a few weeks prior to this. Although the money isn't as good as subbing, it is a consistent job and I can still do my normal routine. There are days like today where I know I'm gonna miss subbing (where the kids run up to you and hug you and say "Mrs. McQueen.....yes that what some of the little ones call me) but I am looking forward to keeping this sweet little girl and possibly even doing "preschool" here at the house with her. I start February 13th.
January was also Joshua's 11th birthday. The time is just flying by. We enjoyed it by eating out at Chili's and having cake at the house.
I've also been spending a lot of time at the gym. I so enjoy cardio dance. That by far is my favorite class. It doesn't even feel like's that fun. I also enjoy the step aerobics class, although that is truly a workout. The discouraging part is that I haven't lost any weight. I sometimes feel like one of the defeated contestants on the biggest loser. I probably should count calories or do something like that.....but it's hard when you have to cook for your family. I know what they like and what they will eat, and I don't want to make separate meal for me. I guess maybe I might move to eating a frozen meal or a protein bar at nights to see if that helps. That was my January in a nutshell. Can't wait to see what February holds.