Thursday, September 19, 2013

Magnificent Mile and Street lights

So Sunday the family was supposed to run the Magnificent Mile race after church.  Everyone did except me.  I hated being on the sidelines.  I wanted to do this one so bad.  Jack put in a great time, Josh was like 8 1/2 minutes and Jake was right under 9.  All of them would have beat me.  This was Jenna's first race and she did it in 11, which is great.  I missed her coming across the finish line.  I can't wait to go back to the gym starting Tuesday.  How I have missed working out!!
Other news.....Josh worked the dunk tank at our family fun fest and this week we have been making stop signs and traffic light snacks!!


sara said...

WOW! All of your kids would have creamed me! I still run a fabulous 16 minute mile :)