Thursday, October 31, 2013

Last Halloween

This picture was taken last Halloween.  Notice Joshua.  You would think that he was mad or irritated or something, but that wasn't the case.  This was him last year on his medication.  He was so much like a zombie.  So much so that one of his closest friends thought there was something seriously wrong with him.  This was the point that we decided to take him off his medication.  That was the day that we got our child back!!  I would much rather him struggle and be happy and have a personality, than to dope him up only to have him like a zombie.  Not sure what the boys will wear for costumes, but will try to have pictures posted soon.


Lydia said...

I wondered....I'm so glad you took him off meds. Essentials oils might work for him:) Connor uses some that are really helping in school with focus.Completely natural and no side effects:)