Wow, I can't believe that it has been awhile since my last post. My camera was full of pictures so I thought it was time to unload them and also do a post. Back in October when the boys where on a teen retreat and Jack was out of town, Jenna and I went to see David Jeremiah and also to see Mercy Me. I really enjoyed hearing both of them. Also on my camera has been several shots of Jenna and basketball. She is on the MS team for Southside. There are 6 8th graders, 1 7th grader and 3 6th graders, Jenna being one of them so this is a learning year for her. She doesn't play a lot, but she takes it seriously and is having a lot of fun in the mean time, which is the most important thing. I feel like I am constantly running.....taking her to practices and her games and then Joshua attends all practices for New Life (he actually practices with the team) and the New Life games. I had to get a separate calendar for their games. Sometimes I hate being so busy, but I love to see my kids active in sports and I know they are only here for a little while and I am enjoying every minute of it.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Catching Back UP
Posted by Jennifer at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Disappointments/Blessings in Disquise
A couple of weeks ago Joshua and I faced a huge disappointment. Joshua loves basketball and has trained every day since summer vacation began for this basketball season. This boy would run, do suicides, jump rope, practice shots for hours, jump from the ground to the top of the picnic table (amazing), lift weights etc. I have never seen him so wanting something. Tryouts were two weeks ago. There were 19 kids trying out and of course, Josh was the shortest. He got in my car on Friday after a week of tryouts and told me he did not make it. The car ride home was full of silence. I wanted to cry for him. Needless to say that weekend was full of silence. I was worried how he would ever bounce back and my heart was full of sadness for him. On Tuesday night he sent me the most beautiful text saying that he loved me and that he knew I was sad but I was doing a great job as a mom and also that he knew it wasn't meant to be. Wednesday he went to class and there was a boy who did make the team who told him he was very surprised that Josh did not make it because he was very good and he was shocked when he found out he didn't make it. Josh got in my car that day and told me "mom, I don't understand, but God has some reason for me not making the team. This boy told me he was shocked that I didn't make it and I know now that I am good enough to be on that team but God has other plans". Wow, that was a turn around. After giving more thought to that Josh decided to take the position of manager for the team. He gets to practice with the team and help with stats and other needs at the games. He knows that he will stay conditioned and learn so much by staying with them and also next year he will better his chances of being on the team. Meanwhile today I read this from the Proverbs 31 ministries. Perfect!! I could have used this two weeks ago, but it still helps me today. May I answer my son is "the one who is right where he should be"
"Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23 (HCSB) Several years ago, my middle daughter Ashley was flitting around the house singing everything "Annie." Our home was filled with songs, dances, scripts and the proud announcement she was trying out for her middle school’s musical. The day the cast list was posted the singing and dancing and rehearsing of the lines stopped. She hadn’t gotten a part in the play. There was a smile and a quick, "Who cares," that hid a thousand tears daring to come if she said much more. But a few days later, the director requested that Ashley and one of her parents attend the all-cast meeting where Ashley was told she’d been given the job of student director. That sounded exciting until the director explained that job basically meant Ashley would be a behind-the-scenes errand runner for her and the cast. There would be no shining moment. There would be no spotlight. There would be no audience applause for her performance. Just hours and hours of behind-the-scenes work. As a parent, I could see the character building potential. I have done my fair share of behind-the-scenes stuff in life and it helped shape me for the better. But to a middle schooler’s heart who loved to sing and dance, it was hard. We went home that night and Ashley struggled with wanting to drop out. But the next morning, Ashley surprised me by deciding she would embrace this role of serving. And embrace it she did! My mama heart soared as Ashley chose to live out the wisdom of Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men." And in doing so, she discovered she had quite the knack for choreography, set design and a keen sense of how to make scenes flow more smoothly. The director quickly found Ashley to be quite capable and turned over many responsibilities to my girl. What once seemed like a huge disappointment became a divine appointment instead. Ashley was born to be a leader. Put her in the right environment to lead, and she’ll thrive. I asked Ashley in the midst of rehearsals what she thought of the whole experience. She beamed and said, "I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else than the role I’ve been given, Mom. I love being the student director. I love it so much." When the curtain fell to the thunderous applause of proud parents cheering for their child’s performance, I couldn’t see my little brown-eyed beauty. But I knew she was probably bossing somebody backstage, and I was clapping like crazy for her out front. I even had a reply ready, just in case the mama sitting next to me leaned over and asked which one was mine. "The one who is right where she should be." Father God, thank You for using all things for my good, even disappointment. Help me to look at my disappointments with fresh eyes today, discovering gifts where I am tempted to only see heartache. And show me how I can love and serve others with passion and purpose — right where I am. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. TRUTH FOR TODAY: Isaiah 55:8-9: "‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’" (NIV) Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (NIV) RELATED RESOURCES: - See more at:
Posted by Jennifer at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2015
It's that time of year that I was regretting the most when I decided to homeschool season is 1 week from being away and I am not sure what we are going to fill our time with. His strengths are definitely his athletic ability. He doesn't have any music background, not artsy or into acting or anything like that. Josh thrives on his social skills and I am not sure what to fill in the extra time with. I would really liked to get him plugged into something. I would love some suggestions so that he isn't stuck at home every single day.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Crusader Football
Sara and I sat through two football games yesterday. The first game was intense and came down to the last seconds and we won. The second game the two of us had to sit through the rain (cold) watching the boys play football. We didn't come up with a win that time, but after two weeks of no football, it was nice to get out there. Sara took these shots (thank you) and shared them with me. I love that Josh and Wes have been friends since kindergarten and I hope they will always remain friends.
Posted by Jennifer at 12:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
end of one, possible beginning of another
Soccer season is over. It was a good first season for Southside and I am glad that Jacob got to be a part of it. He did a good job of playing with 9th, 10th and 11th graders. We are still involved with football season so our Saturdays are filled up until the end of October and then we may possibly be crazy busy with two trying out for basketball. If they both make it, I will once again be running around. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but I wouldn't trade these moments for anything. I know I don't have much time left with them and I love to see them having fun.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:55 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Homeschool Josh Bonus
I still worry about homeschool. Am I doing enough? Is he where he should be? I do know the stress of this household is gone!! Last year the tension was so deep....I don't have that now. I must say that I love the time that Josh and I can spend together. I know we have a crazy life....running to practice, watching Chloe. I know he spends most of the time on the computer doing his work, but I love those in between moments. I love the moments with one on one conversation. So Josh, this post is for you. Some day if I die and you come back to read my blog I hope you will remember this.
The other day in the car you randomly told me how you wish you could give up your sports talent and just be smart. You went on and on telling me that you were not smart at anything and you will never be smart. As a mom, that broke my heart. More than anything I want you to be a Jesus lover and follower. I was never smart and I am not smart now. Somehow I graduated from HS and believe it or not, by the skin of my teeth, I graduated college. Am I smart? No!! Can I even attempt your Algebra problems? No!! But Josh, you don't have to be smart. You just have to know how to find the answers. All those times I helped on the hw, I didn't know what the answer was, but I knew who to ask for guidance or I knew which resource to pull out. Even if I had to google the answer, I knew where to go. Sometimes I spend several hours researching a project or a trip...and that's ok. You don't have to be smart and rattle things off your just need to know how to figure it out or where to go.
I've seen you grow these past few weeks. I've seen you have compassion on a kid on your team who wasn't a good player. I've seen you high five him. I've seen you talk to him. I even heard you tell me how you felt bad for him when it was his bday and he only got to play in one play of the game. You saw that he was struggling and you reached out to him. You took him his favorite candy the next practice day to tell him I hope you had a nice bday. Josh.....that is so much beyond the book smart. If I could reach out to people the way that you have showed me that is worth more than any book smarts.
I know that you are facing adversity now. I know you feel defeated thinking that you are no good at football, but the truth is, you are. You are good at almost any sport you play!! I know that things are not fair right now. I know that someone that has not attended games or practices comes in and not only plays one position but take over your position seems unfair. It is, but I think it will only teach you to work harder. Life is unfair. This will happened time and time again. As a momma bear I want to growl at all these people, but I have to leave the emotional part behind and go on.
So someday when you read this just know that I always worried about my job as a mom and an educator and I hope you know that God has a plan for your life if you will just follow and keep working hard!!
Posted by Jennifer at 7:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Moving Right Along
Hello September. August was just an insane month around our house. September is busy but not quite as bad. I am really tired. I am homeschooling Josh while keeping care of Chloe, a 15 month old from our church. Whew.....keeping her is hard work in itself!! I am still doing early morning care at the school. My days include running the kids to school, picking them up, working with Josh (although a lot of his is self-sufficent) running Jacob to soccer practice on T/TH's and attending any games, making sure Josh gets to football on T/Th as soon as Jacob gets home too. Josh's games are all on Saturdays so that will help a little bit. Also we have 5 dentist, ortho/regular doctor appointments to fit in this month too.
Posted by Jennifer at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2015
Things have been very busy for me lately. Starting in August I took on another little girl. I'm losing the two boys in another week so that will help me out. I also ran Josh to drivers ed for a week and am still doing football practice for him twice a week. In the meantime Jacob made the JV soccer team for Southside so I am running to games and practices with him as well. I am so happy that he got on the team. On top of that I started homeschooling Joshua. We couldn't afford three kids anymore and I also thought he would do better at home. I never knew how overwhelming this could be. I know this is the right thing for us to do this year, but I also am so worried that I am not doing a good enough job. I worry when he has down time, I worry that he isn't getting what he needs to get, I worry that I am not doing things right and I worry that I am doing more harm than good. I also worry about his social life. He is my social child and I know that he misses going to school every day. The only good thing about homeschooling him is that I do not have to do math with him. He will be going to a homeschool place once a week to get teaching and his homework assignments so at least that burden is lifted off of me.
So, I am very busy right now and very very tired, but I wouldn't change things. I love watching my kids play sports and having fun.
Posted by Jennifer at 7:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Catching Up
I never finished the vacation photos because I didn't know how to get them off my phone, but I finally figured it out on my own. I can't believe we are now in August. The next two weeks are busy busy camp, football practice, orthodontist appts, watching 4 kids and drivers ed. Here are some of my favorite pictures.
By day three, Jack decided not to ride anything because of his neck condition. That didn't stop me!! I rode by myself!! This thing went straight up......totally cool!!
Blues brothers jam!
Love the minion characters
Love Lucy!!
Even though I don't watch the Simpsons, this was the Homer donut!! Yes, we split it!! Jack wanted some carbs for breakfast (after I had been on 2 coasters....and then I got on more rides)
More Minion characters
Love this guy's muscles!!
Dr. Suess Land!!
Harry Potter World. Even though I don't know the story, I loved this part of the park and the Harry Potter rides rocked!!
The Hulk Roller Coaster....awesome
This was actually day one at seaworld. Never been on a coaster that they turned you on your belly to ride. It was an adventure but I would do it again!!
Posted by Jennifer at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Josh is gone on a mission trip/camp. He will be gone a total of 13 days. Things around the house have been really quiet. Jack and I also got the chance to go away for a few days. Jacob and Jenna both went to friends' houses and Jack and I went to Orlando. On Wednesday we went to CityWalk which is between the two Universal Studios parks. It has shops and restaurants. We went to Hard Rock for a great burger and then I surprised him with tickets to the Blue Men Group. They were very entertaining however they would not allow any photography. Thursday we went to SeaWorld. It was a nice place to visit. I enjoyed the whale show the most. They had two roller coasters which were pretty cool too.
Posted by Jennifer at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted by Jennifer at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
We've Been Busy
Jenna and Neeley
Josh and Coach Krauss
Fury 325
Posted by Jennifer at 7:50 AM 0 comments