Thursday, March 31, 2016

The zoo

We spent one of our last days of spring break at the zoo.  It was so perfect.  Overcast....and not hot.  It was good to get out the house and the last time we had been to the zoo was two months before Josh started kindergarten.  I enjoyed making more memories with the kids.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring Break

Spring break is finally here.  We won't be doing much and I actually will be working two days, but it is so nice that we have a week of rest.  Friday night we went to winter jam.  Total chaos!  Seats go so quickly, but thankfully Josh and Wes ran ahead and up to the second level and was able to grab us seats.  My favorites were Lauren Daigle, Matthew West, Sidewalk Prophets and King and Country.

 stars go dim

 Lauren Daigle
 Matthew West
 Sidewalk Prophets
King and Country

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Sometimes you hit a curve ball in life.  I have to say this has been the most difficult month I have had in a long time.  I can't tell you how many tears I have shed.  I can't begin to tell you the hurt we have felt.  It has gotten a little easier, but the reminders are constantly there.  It is something that will be continual reminder.  While I don't understand why this has happened I know that God is still God and I have to let him be that instead of trying to make it right on my own, even when it is constantly "thrown into my face".  One of the first songs I thought of for some reason was the words to the updated "Just as I am" which says " I come broken to be mended, I come wounded to be healed, I come desperate to be rescued, I come empty to be filled, I come guilty to be pardoned by the blood of Christ the Lamb and I'm welcomed with open arms praise God, just as I am" What was ironic is that Monday night we sang this at church (special services). Psalm 56:8 talks about God putting our tears in a bottle.  Wow....and then the other song that comes to mind is "when friends betray us, when darkness seems to win we know, the pain reminds us that this is not our home!!"  I'm grateful for the love and support of my family throughout this journey.  I must admit that it has definitely brought Jack and closer together.