Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March Beginnings

I can't believe that it is March 1st already.  The weather in NC has been CRAZY!!  It has been so warm the last few weeks.  I think this is the first time we have had to mow our grass in February!!!!!    I have enjoyed getting out with the helps entertain them.
Basketball is done.  Southside went to state for the first time.  The first game we won by 2 (too intense for me) and the second game it was David vs. Goliath.  We traveled to Greensboro and were up against the first in the entire brackets.  It was a fun experience and the boys had a great attitude.  In fact, I can't remember a time where Josh asked me to take a picture of him and Wes!!!  I wish they would have had their uniforms on, but I will take what we can get.  Jenna's team finished with a party at school.  Southside also had spirit week a couple of weeks ago, where each class could dress up according to the theme (wacky tourist day, Southside colors, twin day etc).  If they dressed up, they had to bring a can good for charity.  The kids love to get out of uniform for a day!!