Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 3

It's hard to believe we are in November already.  It was good last week to have Josh home for the fair and spend some time together as a family.  I was happy to see Jenna compete and do so well in the fair.  Now it's on to basketball for her.  Life is crazy busy and I just can't seem to get ahead of things.  I work 10-11 hour days and then come home and do all the necessary things just to get by.  Housework and such has to wait until the weekends.  Just trying to make ends meet.....paying for one in college, bills, life and everything that seems to be breaking down around the house.  It's a little discouraging to say the least, but that's life.


Monica said...

I didn't realize her cake was the chef one!!! I guess because I had seen the Facebook photo of her standing with the cakes on the shelf I assumed it was the one on the bottom shelf! That was one of the ones missing when we went by! So I did see her cake!!!