Saturday, January 11, 2020

Feeling like a princess!!

I won't mention my age in this post, but let's just say I'm getting older!!  Seriously, I have never had new bedroom furniture before.  Through out my married life (and even before) we would get a piece here and there from used places, and nothing matched.  Today, I feel like a princess!!  I FINALLY got new bedroom furniture and it all matches!!  My last birthday we started looking at Rooms to Go.  I loved it, but even thought the pieces matched, we would always need to buy a tall dresser for Jack, making the deal not so sweet any more.  Not to mention that didn't include tables.  I started looking every day on line on FB marketplace and Craigs List and never found anything.  I was going to get some tables and a dresser at IKEA, but they charged $200 to ship which was almost the price of the dresser alone!!  We went to Tucker furniture after Christmas and I found this set.  It was on sale!!  It even included one side table.  After negotiating with the lady, we got it all plus an additional side table for the same price and it fits my room perfectly.  I honestly feel like a princess!!


Monica said...

Congratulations! It looks great! (And I love that it matches the hanging shelves you have on the wall!!) So happy for you! :)