Tuesday, March 31, 2020

I choose joy

I am not going to lie, things are hard.  It's hard being in a very small house with all 5 people home most of the day.  I struggle.  I am trying hard to choose joy.  I have found things to keep me occupied and to keep my mind off things.  Last week I went for a walk when the weather got better.  Yesterday I mowed the grass (yes I love to do that if I can be on the rider).  Last week I also re-worked my entire "Lies Young Women Believe" study and put it all into power points and also made study guides and activities.  I also ordered two new Bible studies to go through and see if I want to take the girls through those.  I have written at least one card per day to someone who might need encouragement.  Saturday I made bread and delivered it to a couple of people.  Yesterday I made cookies with royal icing (more on that in moment.)  I am just trying to stay busy.  If I don't stay busy, I sink into a depression like status because I am stuck in my room. I am thankful Target is still open.  That has and continues to be my happy place!!  I still have not found tp, although we are ok for another 1.5 weeks or so.  I am slowly finding more meat, but that is still hard.

Yesterday, Jack had to work in the office so I took advantage of kitchen time and worked on cookies.  I learned several lessons.  1) I don't like to bake as much as I thought I did.  2) I make a lot of messes. 3) my cookies were very messy.  4) I need a bigger kitchen to work 5) I probably will never make these again, but at least I know I can.