Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Back in the Routine

Well, we are back into our routine. It was SO hard to get up this morning, and even harder to get the kids up, fed, dressed and out the door. I didn't even want to work today. I just wanted to sleep past 8 and relax! I can imagine how Jack must feel having a "real" job. I hope things will ge better in the next few days. I had a good day at preschool today. It was nice to have the kids back together again. We had to fill out a form today asking us if we wanted to return. I told them yes. I even said I would work on M/W as well, but so many of the teachers want to return this year I doubt I will get any more. I know I get to stay with Miss Melody and work with the 3 year olds, but I also wanted to work with the 4 year olds next year and see some of my kids as they "mature" a little more. I know last summer when I was hired she needed a lot of help, but she must have a good staff this year because everyone wants to return. Miss Ann may not return, depending if she can get into this nursing program. I really wanted Jacob to have her another year, and let Jenna have her as well. Joshua had her for 2 years and I love her to death.

Jenna got a bike a few weeks ago from my friend, Rudine. Her daughter, Sarah, grew out of it and passed it on to her. Jenna loves it. Thanks, Rudine!!


sara said...

Hey Jennifer...I feel like i haven't seen you forever! Hope you have a good week. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow night.