Saturday, January 6, 2007

Facing the Giants

We enjoyed family night last night. We ate tacos, played alphabet bingo, had ice cream and then watched Ice Age 2. It was a lot of fun. This morning Jack went to the church meeting and Jennifer and Sam came over for breakfast. It was fun talking and spending time with Jennifer.

Today, Jack and I got some much needed time away for awhile. Thanks, mom for watching the kids! I know they can be a handful. I am grateful for the time we had together, and for a mate that wants to spend quality time with me. We went to a few stores, to Chilis's and then went to see the movie "Facing the Giants". I HIGLY recommend this movie to everyone. It is about a man who totally gave God every part of his life and then watched God do the impossible. It was just a wonderful movie. I can't wait to rent it when it comes out on the 31st of this month. God really taught me a few things for the movie.

1. In everything I do, no matter how small the task, God wants me to do my very best.

2. In everything I do, everything must be done for God's glory.

3. This story was told....two farmers desperately needed rain. They both prayed for rain, however, one farmer went out and prepared his fields for rain. Only one farmer got the rain....which farmer do you think got the rain....I have to believe God is in control and God can answer the prayer, but I also need the faith to believe and act that God is going to answer that prayer.

4. Lastly, God Can do what seems impossible, and he can use the smallest vessel to face the any giant and to glorify His name.

Matthew 19:26....But with God all things are possible!


Tiffany said...

how do I add you to my friends?