Friday, November 23, 2007

Call Me Crazy......

And, I am! I got up early this morning to try to get something for Christmas. I am definitely too old for this, and now I see why I haven't done this in years!!! (I used to do it all the time before I was married, and Jack and I did it a couple of times when we were first married). I spent time Thursday going through the ads and only found one store worth getting up for. It takes A LOT for me to want to get out there and put on my boxing gloves. Walmart had some things that I thought were a REALLY good buy! I checked all over Thursday night to compare the regular price and also checked all other stores and couldn't find anything that came close. So, like I nut, I am up at 4 am, dressed, and the door at 4:30. I get there and it is a mob scene. I look all item for the item I want, and suddenly it's 5 am and everyone is throwing things in their carts! I was lucky and found the item I wanted, and a few extra, waited patiently in line for 15 minutes, and got home at 6 (after a Bojangles run for the family) and went back to bed. I am too old to fight the crowds. I enjoy my shopping from my home computer, and week nights when everyone is home!!!