Monday, November 12, 2007

Trying To Be Crafty

I am trying (trying is the key word here) to get crafty with my kids. As you all know, I have NOT ONE CRAFTY BONE IN MY ENTIRE BODY! I really feel sorry for my kids if I ever do home school, because I can't make anything (and that includes cooking). Anyway, yesterday we made our "Indians". They really enjoyed it. We enjoyed having the day off today and I wanted to do something with them, so I made a handprint turkey. I also made some feathers and asked them what they were thankful for. I know Jacob and Jenna do a lot of cute crafts at school, but I wanted to attempt something here, and I wanted it to be "their work" (which actually is better than mine anyway!!!)


sara said...

Wow-they turned out SO cute!!!! I will have to try those with my kids! Thanks for the good ideas.

Pam said...

These are really cute! I'm sure you are better at crafts than you think--you work with preschoolers, after all, right?