Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Can Breath Again Saturday

Whew....I feel like a ton has been lifted off me getting this project done. We have to finish the life cycle and the adaptation today and then I have to wait to get some color pictures printed from Jack's work (we don't have color on our printer) and then he can hand this in early! yipee!

Today, Jack and I are getting out for a few hours. We are paying Tiffany to come and watch the kids before she has to go to work tonight. I wanted to get out because he leaves next Friday for Phoenix, and then he will be gone the rest of the week. When he gets back from Phoenix, we are going to do something for Joshua's birthday, so we won't have a chance to have any alone time. We'll probably just grab lunch and then look around. There aren't any movies playing that I want to see, but it will be great to get out of the house again!!