Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm So Blessed

As much as I hate being alone, I think in a way it is very good for me. It makes me appreciate the gift God gave me when he gave me Jack. I take for granted all that he is and all that he does for this family. I haven’t fallen asleep as easily this week because I am the “protector” of the family this week. There is such peace just knowing that he is here to protect me. It’s something that I don’t even think of when he is here. I feel a little lost not having my best friend around to talk too. I so look forward to the phone calls at night just to hear his voice and to tell him about my day.
All of this reminds me of when we were dating. He lived an hour away so until about 4 months before we were married, we only saw each other on the weekends. Our phone bill was huge! I remember my dad was about ready to pass out when he saw the first phone bill, even after I assured him I would pay for it all!! I remember that our “reunions” were so sweet. I couldn’t wait to hug him, to see his face and just talk to him. I remember crying my eyes out when we said goodbye on Sunday nights!! It was horrible!
I am such a blessed woman to have a man who loves me the way that he does (even though I will never understand why). I appreciate him and all that he does even more. I realize that the decisions about school don’t have to fall on me….he is here to carry the load too. Jack, I love you with all my heart. You are everything to me! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow night!!! I may even wait up to midnight to see you!!!


fillup said...

It was such a blessing to read your journal today! Yes, you are blessed with a wonderful, Christian, husband and father. Yes, we take things for granted, and the times your Dad has been gone on a business trip (once a year, and sometimes a little more)I too, think it is an eternity until he comes home again! We have been close all these 49+ years, and I love your Dad more than I did before we were married. Your Dad is also my PROTECTOR and that I am grateful to God for. Your journal reminds me of when your Dad and I were dating. We lived 300 miles apart, and he would drive over the 300 miles to see me every weekend. When he would leave, he was not out of sight yet, and I already had a letter started to him. We wrote all the time until the next weekend. Dad's dad would get the mail and go into the house telling your Dad's mother, "I got a letter from Betty today" as if it were his letter. Ha. We would call each other too, but those were the "old days" with old fashioned phones. Also, when we were dating, we had no interstate roads, and two lanes all 300 miles. I know you have heard all this before, but in years to come, perhaps your children will read your journal and know what a wonderful grandfather they had. Your dad is a Christian man who loves the Lord and seeks God's will in everything and seeks his wisdom from the Lord. I said all this, to say this....yes, you are blessed to have a wonderful Christian husband who loves you with all his heart, and Jack is blessed to have you as his wife also! May you look back on this 40 years from now and love each other as much as you do now and even more so as Dad and I do. Life and love are like a triangle--you at one side, Jack on the other side, and God at the top. We are SO BLESSED to have 3 wonderful children, 5 grandchildren and 1 gread grandson. Life is a challenge, but husband and wife working TOGETHER and sharing our trials and our blessings and hurts, makes serving the Lord easier. May God Bless you, and Jack will soon be home again!!!! Love you! Mom

Pam said...

I can relate to those big phone bills! My husband and I were 800 miles apart for 2 years when we were dating!!! We only visited each other a few times, and then for the next year we were only about 150 miles apart. At least then, I was able to see him on the weekends. Needless to say, we were VERY relieved to finally get married.