Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Don't Say the "S" Word!!

Poor is her 4 year checkup and that means "Shots"! I laughed Sunday as I talked with Karen who works in the pediatricians office and she said "Shhhh...we don't say the "s" word...they are immunizations, not shots"! Yeah, right...tell that to my 4 year old!! She is my worse one when it comes to going to any doctor (just ask Dr. Pretzer). I am not looking forward to this afternoon at all. I guess she gets it from me. The boys seem to take things like a man, so I shouldn't expect that from her!!! I was hoping they would be able to play soccer tonight, but I guess the rain will chase us away. They won't be there next week, so I hope it doesn't mess them up too much.


sara said...

Awww poor Jenna! I will pray that she gets through it all OK! (and for Mommy too!)