Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Jenna Bean was a trooper! She got 5 shots and did not cry. I was so surprised. You could see she wanted too, but she did great. She also has an ear infection so she is on antibiotics. She hasn't had a fever, cold, runny nose or anything!!! She complained Thursday and Friday that her ear hurt, but we never heard any more complaints after that. Trying to get the medicine down her is worse than giving her shots though, and she has been that way since a baby! Thankfully, they gave me an antibiotic that doesn't require being in the fridge because I didn't want to keep it on ice when we went on our trip.
Oh, our trip....we are going to Atlanta in a few days!!! I was able to get Joshua out of school for an "educational" field trip. Jack's company is sending him there for a couple of a days and we decided to all go with him. He got permission to drive instead of fly (since we couldn't afford to all fly) so they are paying for the hotel, gas (plus extra) and his share of food. I am really excited and so are the kids. Joshua said it was his first big trip that wasn't to the beach!! I'll try to make it as educational as possible! The morning after we get back, Jack flies back out to CT, but that is just an overnight trip. I am really excited to go! Of course, I'll take my laptop and blog with pictures while we are gone!


Unknown said...

Thats my Jenna-Bean. I am so proud of you for handling the shots so well. I hope you have a safe and fun trip.

Unknown said...

Thats my Jenna-Bean. I am so proud of you for handling the shots so well. I hope you have a safe and fun trip.

Lydia said...

Oh, have so much fun in Atlanta! It's a crazy place- my family lives around there! Will you get a chance to visit the new state-of-the-art aquarium? According to my uncle it's supposed to be AMAZING!

Unknown said...

Whohooo! I am so happy for y'all! Are you going to the Coke Museum? (or do you know yet?) There's a part of Atlanta (a street or two) that's underground that the kids might find cool, but I'd go there when Jack is with you.
Have fun!

Jennifer said...

Yes, we are going to the Coca Cola factory...with me being a diet coke lover, how could I not go? We also plan on going to the aqaurium and possibly the zoo (those two places we will do when Jack is working)

Lydia said...

Oh I'm so excited for you- take LOTS of pictures!