Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Shopping

We did something new this year...the entire family got up to shop. Jack and I decided that our gift to each other was a new TV, and Target had a GREAT deal on them. We got up at 5 and left here around 5:30. Jack stood in line and got a TV (we went inside to join him once everyone got in). Next stop, Walmart. We bought two DVD's for $2 each and I got the boys some PJ's which they needed badly!!! They were $4 each. Next stop, Bojangles for a sausage biscuit, and then home. I got what I needed and headed home!!! Yesterday, I went to CVS and scored big time. For $7 I got 3 gatorades, two packs of tampons, toothpaste, two lip gloss, cover girl powder, two packs of Tylenol, two Aussie shampoos, garnier makeupwipes, Johnsons lotion, a king size candy bar and nail polish and I walked out with over $18 in extra care bucks. I would say my pre-black Friday and my black Friday shopping was successful!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Questions

This was sent to my by Lydia and two other people before her. I never responded, but I thought I would post it on my blog. I'd love to hear your responses!!!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Paper!

2. Real tree or Artifical? * Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Day after Thanksgiving

4. When do you take the tree down? Day after Christmas

5. Do you like eggnog? Eww. No.

6. Favorite gift received as a child*? A baby doll that I really wanted

7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad (sometimes Jack)

8. Easiest person to buy for? Kids

9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I want one

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I'm not sure. Probably a stuffed animal when I was an adult

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Nativity, A Christmas Story

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? All year

14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies, home made treats

15. Lights on the tree? Yes

16. Favorite Christmas song? Mary, Did you know?

17.Travel at Christmas or stay home? home

18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? most of them

19. Angel on the tree top or a star? We usually have a purple bow or ribbon

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Not finding what I need, rude people

22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Gold and purple
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham, turkey, and all the fixin's

24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'd love a new digital camera, but that will probably have to wait until my birthday.
25. Who is most likely to respond to this? I hope someone will respond to the blog
26. Have you been naughty or nice this year? I'm always nice....well, ok, I know I could be a lot nicer

Ok, so now you know all about me, let me find out about you!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Celebrations

Today was a day where it was really hard. Joshua and Jacob had a feast and Jenna had a feast at her school. Jack was able to go with the boys and I stayed at preschool with Jenna. The boys did a poem and some songs and had a feast, and Joshua finished his Native American project by dressing like an Indian.

Friday, November 21, 2008


The most beautiful sight this morning....SNOW....big flakes, beautiful flakes, and flakes that don't stick! It is just so beautiful!!!! Actually, it's what I needed! We've slowly been working on our ornaments, so I took another picture. We have another batch trying to dry and get hard, so we'll be busy this weekend! I have a date tonight with Jack, and I am so excited!! It's the little things that make my day! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Craft

Yes, I started on a Christmas craft. The kids and I worked on these ornaments last Friday. My house has smelled so good for a week!! (cinnamon) You can see a picture of the ornaments "drying" and getting hard on my cookie sheet, and once they are all done, you can tie a string and put glitter on them and you have an ornament. We've only made one so far, but tomorrow night we should have most of them done (after I get some different colors of glitter). The kids are so excited to give these to their friends and teachers, so please don't surprised if you end up with one of these Christmas ornaments. I hope that you enjoy them if you are a recipient of one!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Native American Project

Scratch another "to do" off our list for this month. Joshua had a project due on Native Americans due on Wednesday, and we finished early! He first started by working on his written report. After that, we worked on the cardboard presentation, and Saturday we worked on our 'replica" of the housing. We chose the Great Plains area because they lived in teepees. My thanks goes to Jack for helping with the ice cream cone models! I found this idea and it wasn't as easy as it looked, but Jack got things put together nicely for us. So here is his poster board, report, and model all done early!! Someone gave us the little Indian people and accessories, so we are adding that under the poster board. Next Monday he needs to dress like the Native Americans, but I have that covered too. Now, all we have left for this month is to learn Matthew 5:3-12 by next Monday (oh dear....we only have 3-4 verses memorized so far) and start learning our Christmas part for church (we have the school program down pat!!!). We'll get there.....little by little, inch by inch!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jenna Sayings

Jenna cracked me up the other night when she and Jacob were getting along and playing "nicely". She looked at me and said "mom, can I marry Jacob when I get bigger"? No, Jenna, you can't. "Why mommy, he is a boy and I am a girl and I love him"!!!

Today she said she wanted a baby girl (real) for Christmas. I told her I wasn't having any more. She said... "Maybe I could ask for one". I explained to her that she needed to be much older and bigger. "Why are you a little mommy?" she asked me. I didn't understand and she said "well, you are older than daddy but you are smaller than him!!!" She has been cracking me up lately!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black Friday

Sometimes I get bold and get up early on black Friday. Usually, I only go to Target or Walmart or stores like that which have the best deals. I don't venture out to the mall. I can't wait until the Thursday paper to check the ads and see if it is worth me going out. So, my question for all my readers you go out shopping on black Friday, and if so, do you go out early?????

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day Off

The kids and I have a day off today! It's 8:30 and I am still in my PJ's, but at least I have a load of laundry in, cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast, and changed the bunk bed sheets. So, we are acting silly today...well kind of. We are going to relax, finish homework, rent a video, and take Jenna to gymnastics.

Yesterday I had breakfast with Jacob at school. They had community helpers day and I had to tell what I do. It wasn't as exciting as the doctor or nurse, but at least I wasn't nervous. I made them a little craft to take home.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Shopping Help Needed

Usually I have a hard time shopping for the boys and Jenna is a piece of cake. This year I have a ton of things I could get the boys and I am a little clueless with Jenna. I have taken her to ToysRUs and I still don't have any ideas. She wants a little baby from American Girl, and I got that several weeks ago. She also wants a stroller, and my mom is getting that for her. I don't know what else to get her. She LOVES clothes and shoes, however I don't think that is a good present when your brothers are getting toys. I know I should be happy that she is content with what she has, but I would like to get her something. Ok.....all my friends with little girls....or those with great you know what I can get my 4 1/2 year old little princess??

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am so glad it is Friday. Jenna is going to a sleepover tonight and Jack is going to do something special with the boys. I have a choir practice/pizza thing tonight, so we are all going our different directions. Good thing we had our tacos earlier this week!!!

I love winter as I can put cute tights on Jenna. I got these on clearance last year at Target. I hope to find her some more. I called her "crazy legs" all day!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Turkey Craft

I am sure this will be the first craft of many, but at least we are done with pumpkin crafts. Jenna and I made this today. The bottom and side is made of cardboard, so it is really supposed to be a napkin holder. At least it kept her busy and she was happy.

I had the day off Tuesday....a much needed day. Thankfully, it was a day that we had 3 year olds, so the break was doubly nice. Jack also took the day off because he needed some time and he could also spend the day with me. So Jack and I and Jenna dropped the boys off and went to Cary to shop. We went to Home Depot, Target, Toys R Us and the mall. We got most of the boy's Christmas shopping done, which is a relief! I still have a couple of small things to get them, but just to have a big jump on things helps. We also got to have a nice lunch together at Remington Grill. It was a nice day, and I enjoyed the day off and time with Jack and Jenna!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Feeling A Little Overwhelmed

I am feeling a little overwhelmed with homework. It's getting a little crazy for me to juggle everything, trying to keep track of everything. Every month Joshua has a passage of scripture that has to be memorized. (Gen 1:1-5, John 14:1-6). This month we need to learn Matthew 5:3-12. On top of this, we have to memorize his Christmas part (and that has to be done by next week), make sure we get 12 chapter books read by the end of the year, and book reports done on them, normal homework, and now we have another project due the 19th!!! They are learning about Native Americans. They can choose between the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest or Great Plains. They have to have at least a one page written report, a poster and a replica of the type of shelter for this tribe. On Monday, during the Thanksgiving feast, he is also to dress representing the tribe. Whew!! I am not really sure how I will dress him, and I am certainly not looking forward to a one page report, and all the extras. I think I will do the Great Plains tribe as they seem to have the "tee pee" type shelter. I thought I could get a sugar cone, turn it upside down, decorate it and use that as our "replica". Any ideas on dressing him (you know I can't sew) or other ideas on shelters would be appreciated.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekend Report

Friday night we went to Apex and met up with Scott, Traci and Travis. The boys acted like true they had never been apart. They picked up right where we left off in August. We ate at Chili's and then went back to trick or treat. Joshua and Travis came back a little early because they wanted to play together more than get candy!! I didn't get any pictures because once again, my camera batteries died (I need to add those to my Christmas list). Joshua was the guy from Pirates of the Carribean, Jacob a power ranger, and Jenna, of course, a princess. Tracie took pictures so maybe I can post another day. Anyway, it was good to see friends again!

Saturday we spent part of the time in Target and then cleaned the house. Stacy, Kelley and Shannon (Jack's cousins....I guess they are mine too now) were in the area and we ate dinner with them and then they came over to the house to visit and have dessert. It was good to see them again and catch up on things.

Sunday we had church and then I ran to get my weekly bargains at CVS. The Panthers didn't play so the house was a little calm today!!! It was a good weekend. I am excited that I have Tuesday off this week (Johnston County is off for some reason....but who cares why....I'm off!!!)