Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goals and how we save money

I started posting todays post as my goals, but I think I will kinda mix in two posts at one time. I read Lydia's blog about living frugally, and decided to post ways that we "make it". As one of my goals, I still want to be "frugal" and tighten things a little more, especially since I'm losing money every month now. I would like to decrease our food budget. I do need to lose weight, but after last year, I decided not to make that an "official goal". I'll just try to do that on my own. I also have goals about decluttering the entire house (not just the kitchen) and then showing my daughter ways on keeping a house and home. I want her to be proud to have her friends over here. I want to improve my relationship with her by spending more quality time with her (and the boys too). Another goal is to do more freezer cooking this year. It really helps us. So that is my goals for this year frugally. Some people think we are very rich because we have kids in a Christian school. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We could have a bigger house and more extras if we didn't send them, so sacrifices are made. We usually take our entire tax return and then some to pay for them. Here is how we live cheap:

1. We live in a small house.....too small to be exact. We are busting at the seams, but someday I know we will have a bigger house.

2. Up until the last month, our cars were paid for. We always bought used and got what we could afford and then we drive them until we couldn't drive them anymore!

3. We don't have cable TV. (I hope to some day). Jack has a cell phone provided by his work, mine is by Virgin Mobile where I pay for what I talk and "top off" every three months. This has saved us a ton of money.

4. We live just a few miles from the dump, so we take our own garbage to the landfill. It's a pain, but again, that saves us probably 300-400 a year.

5. I use coupons, coupons and coupons! I even swap coupons with co-workers. I stock up when stores offer triple coupons or the super doubles (when they will double up to $1.50). I buy meat in bulk and make sure it is not wasted. I plan my menus for the week and make my list based on what I am preparing.

6. I do a lot of yard sales.....clothes for the kids, toys, and find items to re-sell at consignment sales. I usually make at least $500 a year by doing these sales. I'm also blessed with hand me downs for Jenna, and I try to pass those blessings on.

7. I get free items from CVS and Walgreens and stock up. I can also use some of these items for gifts.

8. We have no credit card debt. We use credit cards for everything, but pay it off every month. In return, we build up points that we can use towards gift cards, or helping us pay for vacation (like meals, hotel nights etc)

9. We try to live off a budget. I don't always follow it like I should, but we do try to stay within our limits.

10. When we get a bonus or extra money, we try to put it away in savings like we never had it.

11. We use my money (although this will be cut) to pay for date nights, babysitter fees, vacations, savings etc. We don't depend on this money as part of our budget.

12. When my grocery bill is down low for a week, I try to buy a restaurant gift card and put it aside. I save these cards for our vacations so that we don't have to cough up a lot of money for meals.

13. Most repairs are done by Jack when possible. Obviously last summer our AC broke and we had to have someone come in, but he "fixes" everything around the house by researching things and he also does all our car repairs.

These are just ways I thought of off the top of my head. How do you stretch your dollar? And what are your 2010 goals.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Although I haven't really set my goals for 2010, one of my ideas was to be more organized and have a house that is presentable at all times! I rec'd some kitchen items for Christmas and knew I would need some room to store them, so yesterday I started around 8 am....took down the Christmas tree decorations and all the household decorations and then headed to the kitchen. I took EVERYTHING out of the cupboards and re-organized everything and threw stuff years worth of sippy cups (yes, I am a packrat). I ended up with three full garbage bags of stuff and after 4 hours of cleaning cupboards, pantrys, floors, I had to make a run to the dump to throw it all away. I LOVE the new organization though. It has made things look so clean and everything is put together and not thrown in the cabinets! It was worth all the work. I think on my days off, I will conquer the rest of the house like this!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Magic

I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas. Our family did. It was nice to be with the family and have some down time and it was nice this year as we taught our children how to help others in need. I hope to carry this tradition on for many more years. My kids were so excited that they were up at 4:30 am! Yes, you read that right. I told the boys to stay in bed until daylight, but at 4:30 we heard footsteps and excitement to see what Santa had brought. We do Santa, although Joshua knows it's all make believe. I grew up with Santa, and I think that as long as they know the true meaning, there isn't anything wrong with playing with the rest. I don't know where they got their energy, but I went back to bed at 6:15 and slept until 8 or I would have never made it through the day!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas.....

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Look at mommy and baby in their green dresses!

Monday, December 21, 2009

fun with friends

Last night Wes, Wil, and Skye came over for a few hours to play. You think it would be crazy with 6 kids in the house, and it actually wasn't. Jenna and Skye played in Jenna's room most of the night. Joshua and Wes were glued together, and Wil played with the DS game most of the night. Jacob played with the girls, played with Joshua, and helped Wil, so I guess he was the "floater". I actually got some work done and baked some more goodies because I didn't have someone constantly behind me! It made me realize although I can't give all my friends gifts for Christmas, I could give them the gift of time....and I think we could all use that!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Parties, Parties, and Farewells.......

I'm so happy to stay home today. We are just have been running around like crazy. Thursday Jacob had a class party at school. They had hot dogs and then got to decorate sugar cookies. They also exchanged gifts. Thursday night Jenna had a party at Miss Morris' house. Joshua had a taco party at school Friday, but I was working and couldn't get away. I also took some last shots of my three year old class.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Last Day......

I'm a little sad today. This is my last day with the three year olds. I'll miss these guys. I know I will enjoy some free time (running errands, getting caught up) but I'll still miss them. Each one of them is very special to me. The little girl in the back left side is Annabelle. She has autism. Her mother loves us. She goes to another "special school" on M/W/F and doesn't like it as well. In fact, she cries and has picked up bad language. I could tell Annabelle was having a hard time lately leaving her mom and dad and we found out that is why. Her mom told us Tuesday that she was dropping her other class and just coming to us, and that makes me sad because I know I won't be there any more. The little girl in the middle is also leaving today and Bryson was not here because he was sick.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Around the World

Jacob had a project due today. Each child had to pick a country, and tell how that country celebrated Christmas. There was a form to fill out using complete sentences (hard for a 1st grader) and they had to bring along something to demonstrate this country's tradition....a poster board, craft, food etc. We chose to do Holland. People in Holland leave out their "clogs" and fill it with carrots and hay and hope to get sweets. Jacob and I took one of my clog shoes and filled it up with candy canes. They also have many other traditions such as their "santa clause" comes on a boat and all the church bells start ringing. Another thing they do is make a "letter cake" of the family's last name and they eat that as part of their dinner. One of the reasons we chose Holland is that I did not want another poster board, and I thought we could make our own letter cake. To save me time and MUCH FRUSTRATION I cheated and bought weigh watchers cakes and made them into our "M". I thought it turned out pretty good. I really liked this project and wish the parents were invited so I could have heard about other countries. I know there was one on Mexico, Germany and Italy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One thing we love to do at Christmas.....

One thing our family likes to do at Christmas is go to Meadow to see the lights. The kids love the train ride through the lights, and then to see Santa. They really love the candy store visit as well. It was very cold Saturday night when we went, but that made the hot chocolate taste even better!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

This will make your Monday......

The kids had a program yesterday in church. I was blown away by the talent of ALL of the kids. As a mom, I was especially proud of Jacob. He was supposed to sing in a trio, but it ended up being a duet. I thought he and Wil did a great job, and I hope to hear them sing again some day. I keep telling him he sings so well, but he doesn't believe me. I especially like the head bopping!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Night Out

After a bad week, Jack and I were able to go out Friday night. His company had a dinner at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary. I wish I would have had my camera. The room was decorated so beautifully with poinsettias, and a gorgeous tree. The spread of food was SOOOO good, and then there was the dessert table....cheesecake, key lime pie, dipped strawberries, fruit tarts and so much more. It was nice to feel like a princess for 4 hours. Now it's back to reality!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Words From A Song from Selah

The cruelest world
The coldest heart
The deepest wound
The endless dark
The lonely ache
The burning tears
The bitter nights
The wasted years
Life breaks and falls apart
But we know these are
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed

For every choice that led to shame
And all the love that never came
For every vow that someone broke
And every lie that gave up hope
We live in the shadow of the fall
But the cross says these are all
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the lordJ
ust watch and see
It will not be unredeemed

Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilledIt may be unrestored
But you never know the miracle the father has in store
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday Madness

Sundays at our house are always crazy. Trying to get 5 people dressed, fed (and out of bed) to get to choir by 8:45 is just insane. Now try getting pictures of your kids because they look "Christmasy" (yes I made a new word). Oh well, I tried!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Madness

I love this time of year. I love eating like crazy, being with family, listening to Christmas music, decorating the tree, wrapping presents, trying to deal with a crazy schedule etc. Most of all, I love to shop! I love to sniff out bargains! This year, we were able to buy a bigger TV (still not huge, just 32 inch). We started at Target and got there at 4:40 but were not able to snatch up a deal, so we high tailed it to Walmart and got one. We went back to bed, got back up and did some more shopping!! I also went out Thursday morning before I cooked and snatched these FREE items!! (and I hope to get more today). Boy, do I love CVS and Walgrees who pay ME to shop with them!!! (two candy bars, two toothpaste, one tooth brush, two deodrants, two bottles of shampoo, and some lotion)

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Pilgram Girl

Jenna's class had a play today at school for their Thanksgiving feast. The kids are out for the rest of the week and are very excited. I didn't get to go, but Jack did and he taped parts of the program for me.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Civil War Field Trip

Joshua was much better so we were able to drive to Petersburg, VA for the field trip. This by far was the best field trip I have been on. I'm not a history buff, but this trip was very interesting. We had a FABULOUS tour guide! (I should have gotten his picture). You could tell this was something he was passionate about. It wasn't just a job to him. He made it so interesting and the way he could answer the kids questions amazed me. He was very patient with them too. They had a drummer that went with us part of the way. He showed the kids how the soldiers loaded and shot the guns and even let them have "hands on" with "fake guns". He then took us over and showed us how the soldiers life would have been like. After all this we went and saw a brief movie followed by going out where part of the war took place. We ate lunch and then visited a real plantation house and then took us out and showed us how the slaves worked in the field, and showed us what a slaves "house" would look like. I was amazed that 12 year olds were "taxed" back then and they were expected to hoe or plow an acre lot in a day!! The end of our field trip was a museum with 9 rooms which was really nice! The boys loved the room that showed the soldiers fighting. You could feel the floor shake and a bullet breeze by your head. The incredible part is that when you pull up, it doesn't really look like a lot, but we didn't even see everything that was there. Hands down an incredible field trip!