Thursday, September 3, 2009

i found my passion

I didn't want to label this I found my gift or I found my talent, because I don't know if this is my gift/talent, but I have found what I love to do.....only it's too late in my life to pursue it. This week I have been VERY busy subbing for different teachers. Tuesday I spent the morning working with second grade, yesterday I worked in the afternoon with first grade (Jacob's class) and today I spent the entire day with the second graders again. I LOVED every minute of it. Tomorrow morning I will be teaching one of the kindergarten classes. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed doing this. I just wish I would have stayed with my original major, elementary education. I would cut my preschool hours down if I knew that this would be a regular thing, but with only 8-9 teachers, I know it won't happen as frequent as it has been this year. I need to be happy being the asst preschool teacher and maybe next year I will send out resumes trying to find my "own class". I really don't know how working moms do it. I am so exhausted!!!


Lydia said...

I'm so glad you found something you really love!!! And I agree...I don't know how working moms do it! And you ARE a working mom!!!!

sara said...

Or you could teach your own kids and they could be your class :) :)