Monday, May 31, 2010

Keeping the Tooth Fairy in Business

This has been a big week for the kids. Jacob lost a tooth yesterday. We were at a restaurant and he said "mom, I bit into a seed". I didn't think anything about it. Jack later noticed his tooth was gone and we thought he swallowed it once again, but the "seed" was actually his tooth, so we were able to put it under his pillow. Today, Jenna lost her first tooth (how sad). The tooth fairy is going broke, but at least I remembered last night to put the money under the pillow!!


Unknown said...

:) From the looks of things Jenna doesn't think it's sad at all! And I'm glad Jacob didn't swallow his tooth! :)

sara said...

We forgot again this week- twice! Poor Wes.

Now you know they are growing up when your "baby" loses a tooth!!!!