Monday, July 26, 2010

He's getting so big

We sent Joshua off to the Wilds camp this morning. As a mom, I have so many emotions. I'm sad to see my little boy growing up so fast, but yet I love to see his independence. I love to see how excited he can get about doing something like this, and I know it shows him that he can start handling more things. I'm thankful he has his buddy Wes. I'll try not to worry about him.....about the 5 hour trip on a bus with no AC, etc. It's sad, scary and exciting at the same time. I would love to be a fly on a wall and spy on him for just a day. I'm hoping to hear updates during the week and pass them along if I hear any.


Jack said...

Wow, what a smile. I don't think he's worried at all.

sara said...

It was so cute to see how excited they were. Not afraid at all. But I think it does make a huge difference that they have each other. I am so thankful for that! They do not have to do it alone!!! Hopefully they are there by now.

Unknown said...

I wish I could have had a video camera on the two of them before church yesterday morning.They were intently discussing something near me. I couldn't hear all of what they were saying, but they were comparing Bibles and verses. It was precious. Look forward to hearing how the week goes for both Moms and kids!