Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jack's B-day

The kids had so much fun for Jack's b-day. We got him a cake. They couldn't do it in black because of the whipped icing so they did gray. We put 40 candles on it instead of a 4-0. I wanted to see him blow that many out, and he did it in one breath (he's full of hot air). We got some black balloons and some signs at the party store. My original plan was to have a big 4-0 surprise party tonight for him, but with us trying to save more money for an uncertain future and the fact that his patio is almost finished, I decided not to do that. We had a lot of fun as a family though. Who knows, maybe for his 50th I'll throw that surprise party for him!!


Unknown said...

First, LOVE your new blog layout. It's so snazzy!!! And I also love all the decorations used for Jack's birthday! The handmade sign is priceless!!!

sara said...

Happy B-day to Jack!