Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Stuff

Even though I run around like a chicken with my head cut off, I love this time of year. Last Friday we watched "The Nativity Story". I love that movie and we have made it a tradition to watch it. Every year I notice more and more how my kids understand and it always makes me realize how Joseph and Mary must have really felt. We are still looking forward to going to Meadow to see the lights. We couldn't go last weekend due to all the rain. We also try every year to give to a family in need. I think this shows the kids how much we really have.

I also want to "brag" on Joshua's class. I know some people think Christian schools are just as bad as public schools. I know they aren't perfect, and neither are my kids, but I love this school and I know this is the best thing for my kids. Josh's class adopted a family and went shopping for them. It was a great outreach project. I was touched by some of the girls who wanted to give up their lunch money (they were going to McDonalds after this) to buy more stuff for the family. They ended up with several bags, and I felt like God stretched that money. In addition to the things they could get, they ended up with $25 cash, a $10 gift card and some stamps for the family.

Today is the last day and Christmas break begins!! It should be interesting as we are delayed two hours and then get out at 11:30.


Unknown said...

While the Christian school I attended in middle school was far from perfect, I wouldn't trade anything for the things I learned there! And that's quite impressive about Josh's class! :)

Lydia said...

I'm so excited for that family!!!!! I was praying that that money would go FAR!!! And seriously...if God ever asks us to give up homeschooling, we are already thinking Southside wil lbe the school for us!