Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The kids and I have enjoyed sleeping in these last few days. There is something so cozy about staying under the warm blankets and staying in your PJ's until 11 am. Although I've been catching up on sleep, I've also been doing projects. I tried to re-arrange my room yesterday only to move it back because I didn't like it (and my arms are sore today). I've been baking, wrapping presents, organizing closets and so much more!

Jack seems to be making more work for me. (but I'm thankful for it) We REALLY need a bigger house!! Because there are only 6 people left at work, he has been coming home with some freebies.....Christmas decorations that people left behind, lamps, computer equipment, office name it. So, I'm trying to find room to store all of this. I know this is a huge blessing, but at the same time I realize we only have 3 checks left and no leads at this time. I'm getting a little nervous, but I just have to keep realizing that God is in control. To all my family and friends.....I wish you a very Merry Christmas!!


Lydia said...

Merry Christmas, Jen! You are in our prayers every day- our family knows more than most how God's plans always work out perfectly!!! Lean on HIM always!!!!