Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jacob, the cold, and our discussions!!

This is Jacob from the other night. He wanted to get warm after taking his shower. He totally cracked me up!!
Sometimes I love the discussions that come up in car trips. Jacob and Jenna wanted to know how much it would cost if we all went out to dinner tonight (which we are not). I told them for all of us to go to Fridays or Chilis it would be $40. They couldn't believe it. After I convinced them I wasn't kidding this discussion came up:
Jacob: Mom, how can you afford things like going out to dinner
Me: well, sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to do special things
Jacob: yuck, I can't stand blood!
Jenna: where are we going to find a lamb!!
I totally died laughing! I couldn't even try to explain what a "sacrifice" was because they have only heard about Bible sacrifices and didn't believe a sacrifice could be something other than blood and lambs!!


Unknown said...

LOL! They are TOO precious! I had to read this one to Bobby, and he grinned really big, nodded his head, and said "Good question!" :)