Monday, April 20, 2020


Church on line has been hard.  Beside the fact that I can't be with my church family, another hardship has been it is hard to concentrate.  I need a bathroom break, someone needs a snack, the dog is barking, the laundry buzzer went name it and I get distracted!! No one wanted to sit in a certain spot this past Sunday so I gave up my seat and went into the kitchen.  It was great for me because I was able to focus and take notes.  The message was on Philippians 4 and being content.  This is very hard for me right now.  Pastor briefly spoke on social media and how much we spend our "mental energy" on this.  This is true.  There are two particular people who post EVERY DAY both on FB and Instagram.  I think I need to quit reading them all together.  Not that they are doing anything wrong, but EVERY DAY it is about how rosy their life is.....what they did, how great their lives are, all the things they can do.....and it makes me feel like a complete failure.  I can sit there and say "oh, I didn't do that for my kids, is there anything they can't do, do they have a real life?" and so on and so on.  They don't seem to have any hardships and their families all seem perfect and their lives seem so unattainable!!  I am setting myself up to spend to much mental energy!!

I can also start to get into this "whoa is me" phase.  Sure, things are hard right now, but they could be worse.

  • Yes, my house is WAY TO SMALL....but I have a roof over my head and a place to sleep.
  • Yes, I am going stir crazy with all these people in a small area......but we are all healthy!
  • Yes, I can't bake for my family every week, or have this fancy meal, or do a garden, crochet, or things like that....but we do eat and I can at least think of people.
  • Yes, my husband has taken over the kitchen with his computer and conference calls and works even later than normal.....but we still have money coming in and don't file unemployment.
  • Yes, everyone else families look and act perfect.....but we are still together despite the hardships. 
I will always struggle with contentment but today I am focusing on the positives and being content with what I do have.  I may need a kick in the butt in a week to help me remember, but for today, I am focusing on this.