Friday, July 27, 2007

The End To An Unusual Week

I always enjoy the weekends because I get to spend more time with Jack and the kids. Jack and I have had a very nice week. I almost felt like we were dating again. The kids have been at VBS every night (and having a blast!!!) so we have had free evenings together. Monday we went out for his birthday, Tuesday was T-Ball with Jake, Wednesday he got home late, so we went to the track and walked/jogged, last night I went to the library by myself, goodwill, and to Walmart by myself!!! I am not sure what we will do tonight. The important thing is the kids are having a blast....oh, and the best part.......I don't have to cook!!!! The church feeds them every night! I feel like a taxi cab this week because we have been on the run. This morning, Joshua wants to go to VBS in Raleigh withTravis, so I'll have to run him in for that. The church is having hot dogs for the parents and kids. It's been good to see everyone again and I do get a little homesick for my old church and friends, but I know that I am where we are supposed to be.
Anyway, I guess family night is actually VBS for this week. Tomorrow we will be at Scott and Traci's using the pool and eating pizza...but then again, that is a wonderful family night!!!!!!


sara said...

Glad you had a good week!:) I don't know what the problem is...but I replyed to your email and it wassent back to me....very weird. So my answer was yes to your question!