Thursday, July 12, 2007

Finally Home

I know you were all waiting for pictures. Well, my flight last night got cancelled. I made it to Atlanta, and then my RDU flight was cancelled. All other flights were overbooked, so I ended up having to stay in Atlanta. It was horrible. I wanted to get home to my kids so bad. More details on that later. Thank you mom and dad for watching them an extra night. Needless to say, since I was late, I didn't get to go and shop today for the Family Fun Fest. I was looking forward to that (you know how I love to shop).
I have plenty to post, but I wanted to spend a little time with my kids. I thought I would post some pictures of the hotel first and the famous ducks marching in, and I'll post more tonight and tomorrow morning.

I was still a great trip despite this major drawback!!


sara said...

Welcome back!! Glad you got in safe! Nice Hotel!!!

fillup said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of the hotel and the ducks etc. I didn't have a chance to check your blog yesterday. So glad you got to come home today. The kids were so disappointed that mommy wasn't coming home last night and each cried awhile, but they got better as we talked to them and then had some treats and videos, so it ended well, and no trouble at bedtime (which I was afraid would happen). So glad you got to be away for awhile. A Mom has a 24/7 job. I hope husbands realize that women need some time alone and get with other ladies etc. So, know this did wonders for you! So happy the kids had a wonderful time at your friends house. Sounds like the kids were treated like royalty!