Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Getting Married????

"Mom," says Joshua... "I don't want to marry a brown person"....this all come from last Friday. On Saturday, I got a call from Heather, Aubrey's mom. Apparently on the playground, Joshua asked Aubrey to marry him. They even said they would get married at Christmas time. Joshua argued that our pastor would marry them, and Aubrey said her pastor would marry them. It was so cute and funny. Yesterday, on the way to school, Joshua said he didn't want to leave. I thought me meant he didn't want to leave me for the day, or move away, but I guess the marriage thing "sunk in". He said he didn't want to leave me yet and get married, so I comforted him and told him we all knew(including Aubrey's mom) that they were joking. I told him he could get married around 25 and that Aubrey may not be the girl for him. I told him he would pray about it and God would show him who to marry. We were almost through car pool line, and that is when he said "mom, I don't want to marry a brown person"!!!